The earliest mention of the family name HOBBEN can be found in 1428 in Ocholt. It can be assumed that the 1581 Köter, Gerdt HOBBEN in Apen (5.5 km away) and HOBBEN Sieveke (later HOBBENSIEFKEN ) in Westerloy (3.5 km north), who were mentioned for the first time in neighbouring villages, are outgoing sons of this farm. Further to their descendants see there.

The village of Ocholt lies about 6 km southwest of Westerstede and is now part of the municipality of Westerstede. Although Ocholt was settled much earlier, it was only mentioned in a document of Count Johann IV of Oldenburg dated 18 January 1350, which transferred the ownership of the miner Johann Mule at his farm in Ocholt to the Rastede monastery. However, the farm remained with the miner as a hereditary fief, administered by the „Meier“ Bole. 1428 it is noted in the „Oldenburger Salbuch“, the tax book of Jacob von Specken for the duke Moritz von Oldenburg, in „Ocholte“ that, for the first of three farms in Ocholt, for the son of Reyner HOBBEN a tax of 1 1/2 Bremen Mark is fixed. With this first mention of the Ocholter HOBBEN, this family is one of the three to four oldest lines of the HOBBIE and HOBBEN families. In 1530 Reyner Hobben is named as farm heir, in 1581 Johan Hobben is listed in the „Mannzahlregister“ (defence recruitment register) with a fortified son, who is also mentioned in the „Weinkaufregister“ (recording of all legal contracts) of 1623 as „Johan Hobbie from Ocholtz with a gantz frey heir“. In the early 17th century land records the farm HOBBIE is described as farm Nr. 2 of still only three farms. It is located in the centre of Ocholt. This manorial free inheritance comprised at least 30 hectares and 8 buildings.
The families „HOBBEN from Ocholt“ until around 1920
The spelling of the names mainly follows the baptismal registers and documents. The German names for farmers and farm hands are retained and are to be interpreted as follows:
„Hausmann“ = farmer with a long-established hereditary farm, first settlers in a village,
„Köter“ = farmer with a smaller, later founded farm,
„Halbköter, Viertelköter“ = Köter with less land,
„Brinksitzer“ = small farmer on the outskirts of the village,
„Anbauer“ = farmer on newly cultivated land,
„Grundheuermann“ = farm hand with own house on non-inherent land,
„Heuermann, Heuerling“ = farm hand without own house,
„Häusling“ = person without own house,
„Dienstknecht, Knecht“ = farm hand.
1. Reyner HOBBEN, *about 1370, +after 1430 Ocholt, Hausmann.
He is mentioned indirectly in the „Oldenburger Salbuch“, the register of the Drosten Jacob von der Specken about land property and tax obligation to the counts of Oldenburg about 1428 to 1450. There it says to a first of only three court places „tho Ochholte“: „Reyner Hobben sone ghift 1 1/2 Bremen Mark“. Accordingly, at this time the son of the elderly but still living Reyner Hobben might have already managed the farm economically. Reyner HOBBEN therefore is the top ancestor of the families „HOBBEN from Ocholt“ and very probably also of the ancestral lines „HOBBENSIEFKEN from Westerloy“ and „Families „HOBBEN from Apen“.
2. NN HOBBEN, *around 1400 Ocholt, Hausmann.
This is the son mentioned above, listed in the Salbuch. Further information about him is not available.
At least two further generations must have lived between this son and Reyner HOBBEN (*about 1500), who was named in the „Mannzahlregister“ (defence recruitment register) in 1530.
5. Reyner HOBBEN, *around 1500 Ocholt, Hausmann.
In 1530 he is mentioned in documents as the owner of the farm. His first-born son Johan HOBBEN (around 1535-after 1581) is mentioned in 1581 in Ocholt’s Mannzahlregister. Very likely are also the two 1581 in the Mannzahlregister for Apen and Westerloy for the first time named Köter HOBBEN his subsequent sons: HOBBEN SIEVEKE (around 1545-around 1600) in Westerloy and Gerdt HOBBEN (around 1550-after 1616) in Apen. Further information on their ancestral lines „HOBBENSIEFKEN from Westerloy“ and „HOBBEN aus Apen“ can be found there.
6. Johan HOBBEN, *about 1535 Ocholt, +after 1581 ibid., Hausmann.
He is named 1581 in the Mannzahlregister of Westerstede for Ocholt with a son capable of military service Johan HOBBEN (about 1565-about 1635). He had beside this son also at least one daughter with unknown name.
7. Johan HOBBEN, *about 1565 Ocholt, +about 1635 ibid, Hausmann.
He is mentioned in the tax lists „Ochsengeld“ 1608 and in the „Wachtegeld“ 1615, in the „Weinkaufregister“ 1635 and remained childless. In the „Weinkaufregister“ 1635 it says: „Johan did not leave any children and therefore took Sivke Hobbien, who has his sisters daughter, into his house, should give, while his housewife was not born in the house, he also then came as a stranger into the inheritance 30 Rt.“. The daughter of the unknown sister, his niece, was Grete HOBBEN (around 1606-1674), who was married to Sieveke BRÜNJES called HOBBEN (1600-1643).
8. Sieveke BRÜNJES called HOBBEN, *1600 Ocholt, +18.09.1643 ibid., Hausmann.
He married about 1628 Grete HOBBEN (*around 1606 Ocholt, +28.08.1674 ebd.), the farm heir and niece of Johan HOBBEN (about 1565-about 1635), and adopted the name HOBBEN. He was named 1632 in the Mannzahlregister of Westerstede. They had 5 children, four of whom reached adulthood and married. For the farm heir Johan HOBBEN (1630-1701) see 9.a). Eilert HOBBEN (1633-1706) married in 1658 in Edewecht Talke Tatje (1628-1728) from Edewecht and called himself Tatje. Talcke HOBBEN (about 1635-1676) married Johan Hammy (about 1624-1711) from Mansie in 1659. For Sievke HOBBEN (1643-1711) see 9.b).
9. a) Johan HOBBEN, *1630 Ocholt, +16.02.1701 Torsholt, Hausmann.
He is mentioned on 21.11.1658, also 1665 in the Mannzahlregister with Knecht Johann, 1681 in the land title record „as a free heir“. In 1658 he married Almeth Tatje (1637-1662), the younger sister of his sister-in-law, in his first marriage in Edewecht. From this marriage only the heir to the farm Johan HOBBEN (1662-1727) reached adulthood, see 10.a). In a second marriage he married 1664 in Westerstede Gebke Henken ( 1629-1713) from Halsbek and only the daughter Hille HOBBEN (1684-1759) reached adulthood and married 1719 the Hausmann Ottcke Lüerss (1692-1770) from Ocholt.
9. b) Sievke HOBBEN, *29.08.1643 Ocholt, +31.07.1711 Gießelhorst, Häusling.
He married 1672 Gebke Kloppenburg (1642-1720) from Westerstede and had with her 6 children, of which only the marriage of the oldest son is known: Grete HOBBEN (1671-1747), Anna Margareta HOBBEN (*1673), Almet HOBBEN (*1675), to Siefke HOBBEN (1678-1763) see 10.b), Dirk HOBBY (*1681) and Johan HOBBEN (*1687).
10. a) Johan HOBBEN, *14.02.1662 Ocholt, +04.12.1727 ibid., Hausmann.
He married Gesche Klessen (around 1654-1712) from Mansie in 1680 and had 8 children with her, three of whom reached adulthood and married. Gesche HOBBEN (1683-1745) married in 1702 the Hausmann Johann Gerken (*1670) from Torsholt. Almet HOBBEN (1689-1742) married Johann Hellwig (1683-1767) from Fikensolt in 1709. Eilerd HOBBEN (1696-1780) was the farm heir, see 11.a).
10. b) Siefke HOBBEN, *21.11.1678 Torsholt, +07.10.1763 Gießelhorst, Halbköter.
In 1711 he married Anna Willbrok (1684-1736) from Gießelhorst and had four children with her, three of whom reached adulthood and married. Hille HOBBY-SIEFKEN (1714-1755) married in 1739 in Wiefelstede the inhabitant Gerd Diers (about 1710-1769), whose eldest daughter Wübke Diers gen. HOBBY-SIEFKEN (1741-1821) 1781 after the death of her uncle took over the Halbköterei of her grandfather and uncle, see 11.b). Siefke HOBBEN-SIEFKEN (1716-1781) married Hille Rencken (about 1718-1744) from Gießelhorst in the first marriage in 1737 and Anna ‚Margarethe‘ Lamken (1722-1800) from Fikensolt in the second marriage in 1744, both marriages remained without descendants. Anna HOBBY-SIEFKEN (1719-after 1774) married Renke Hüschen (1719-1774) from Hüllstede in 1748.
11. a) Eilerd HOBBEN, *31.03.1696 Ocholt, +02.03.1780 ibid., Hausmann.
He married 1719 Grete Jaspers (1700-1764) from Fikensolt and had with her 7 children, of which 5 reached adulthood and married. Eilerd HOBBEN (1722-1798) was the farm heir, see 12.a). Johann Friederich HOBBEN (1727-1795) married in first marriage 1756 Margarethe Dühmen (1732-1766) from Godensholt, temporarily took the name Dühmen and had the daughter Almuth DÜHMEN (1757-after 1814) with her, who married Ahlert Warnken (1747-1814) from Godensholt in 1787; and in second marriage around 1767 Anne Marie Gerdes (1738-1826), of whose three children only Eilerd HOBBEN (1780-1846) grew up but remained single. Ötje Caspar HOBBEN (1730-1791) was Heuermann and married in Westerstede Wübke Meinen-Renken (1736-1813) from Rastede and had 6 children with her, of which three daughters reached adulthood and married: Anna Margarethe HOBBEN (1762-1832), who married the Heuermann Johann Friedrich Martens (1769-1832) from Apen-Bokel in 1790, Wübke HOBBEN (1770-1846), who married in 1809 the Brinksitzer Johann Hinrich Hinners (1779-1817) from Westerloy, and Talke Lene HOBBEN (1775-1816), who married in 1812 in Apen the Halbköter Johann Friedrich Tönjes (1786-um 1861). Gesche Margretha HOBBEN (1732-1802) married Johann Friedrich Lüers (1728-1799) from Lindern in 1760. Anthon ‚Friedrich‘ HOBBEN (1736-1793) had with Talke Meiners (1727-1800) from Edewecht the illegitimate son Anton Friedrich MEINERS (*1766) and in 1776 married Allmuth Avken (1731-1816) from Lindern, but this marriage remained without descendants.
11. b) Wübke DIERS gen. HOBBY-SIEFKEN later HOBBENSIEFKEN, *28.08.1741 Wiefelstede. +14.02.1821 Gießelhorst, Halbköterin.
She married 1771 in Westerstede Gerd Klinkenbiel (1742-1827) from Hüllstede, who adopted the name HOBBENSIEFKEN. They had three daughters, two of whom reached adulthood and married. Anna Margarethe HOBBENSIEFKEN (1772-1852) took over the farm, see 12.b). Helene HOBBENSIEFKEN (1777-1848) married in 1802 the Halbköter Oltmann Hogen (1776-1845) from Gießelhorst.
The following Oldenburg Vogteikarte shows to scale the Hausmann site „Hobben“ and the settlement of Ocholt at that time.

12. a) Eilerdt HOBBEN, *12.02.1722 Ocholt, +11.02.1798 ibid., Hausmann.
With Anna Bruns (1713-1784) from Espern he had a recognized premarital daughter Anne Margarete HOBBEN (1744-1808), who married Eilerd Brüggemann (1752-1821) from Mansie in 1778. In his marriage 1751 with Anna Schröers (1732-1792) from Torsholt he had 6 children, two of whom married. Eilerd HOBBEN (1751-1826) was the farm heir, see 13.a). Anna Elisabeth HOBBEN (1777-1820) married the Heuermann Johann Friedrich Fickenfrers (1769-1829) from Lindern in 1802.
12. b) Anna Margarethe HOBBENSIEFKEN, *01.12.1772 Gießelhorst, +04.11.1852 ibid., Halbköterin.
She married 1798 in Westerstede Eilert Gorath (1759-1842) from Nethen, who took the name Hobbensiefken at marriage. They had two children. Gerd HOBBENSIEFKEN (1800-1881) took over the farm, see 13.b). Wübke Lene HOBBENSIEFKEN (1808-1839) married Hinrich Börjes (1811-1849) from Linswege in 1835.
13. a) Eilerd HOBBEN, *11.07.1751 Ocholt, +17.11.1826 ibid., Hausmann.
He married Helene Ficken (1759-1823) from Lindern in 1778 and had 6 children with her, three of whom married. Anna Margarethe HOBBEN (1779-1856) married the Viertelköter Renke Oetjengerdes (1782-1852) from Ocholt in 1805. Eilerd HOBBEN (1782-1818) was the farmheir, see 14.a). For Gerd Diedrich HOBBEN (1797-1872) see 14.b).
13. b) Gerd HOBBENSIEFKEN, *26.08.1800 Gießelhorst, +14.04.1881 ibid., Halkbköter.
He married Talke Margarethe Frers (1828-1849) in 1844 in his first marriage and had with her two daughters who had died as a child. At his late second marriage in 1851 with Helene Katharine Möhlmann (1798-1882) from Westerstede no children are known. With it this side line ended.
14. a) Eilerd HOBBEN, *21.07.1782 Ocholt, +21.04.1818 ibid., Hausmann.
He married Wübke Margarethe Lüers (1781-after 1842) in Westerstede in 1805 and had two children with her. Eilerd HOBBEN (1805-1881) was heir to the farm, see 15.a). Helene HOBBEN (1807-1861) married the twice widowed Johann Friedrich Süsens (1792-1857) from Felde in 1837.
14. b) Gerd Diedrich HOBBEN, *31.01.1797 Ocholt, +22.11.1872 Westerscheps, Neuköter and blacksmith.
He married Anna Hemmen (1784-1826) in first marriage around 1823 and Helene Dierks-Wittenberg (1802-1874) in second marriage 1827 in Apen Wübke. In each of the two marriages he had two children, three of whom reached adulthood and married. Lena HOBBEN (1824-1878) married Eilerd Oetjengerdes (1810-1891) from Ocholt in 1850. Anna HOBBEN (1829-1903) married Johann Behlen in 1857 in Edewecht (1833-before 1903). For Eilert HOBBEN (1836-1895) see 15.b).
15. a) Eilerd HOBBEN, *05.09.1805 Ocholt, +21.05.1881 ibid., Hausmann.
In his first marriage he married Talke ‚Helene‘ Ohlroggen (1817-1840) in 1840 in Westerstede and had with her the daughter Wübke Helena HOBBEN (1840-1909), who married the Grundheuermann Eilert Brünjes (1843-1899) from Westerscheps in Westerstede in 1868. In his second marriage he married Helene Albers (1816-1879) from Westerloy in 1842 and had 6 children with her, three of whom reached adulthood and married. Eilerd HOBBEN (1843-1900) was the farm heir, see 16.a). For Diederich HOBBEN (1851-1926) see 16.b). For Friederich HOBBEN (1853-1937) see 16.c).
15. b) Eilert HOBBEN, *24.04.1836 Westerscheps, +19.11.1895 Osterscheps, Neuköter.
He married 1865 in Edewecht Johanne Tengstädt (1836-1898) from Langholt and had with her only one daughter Wübke Helene HOBBEN (*1866), who reached adulthood, see 16.d).
16. a) Eilerd HOBBEN, * 26.09.1843 Ocholt, +06.09.1900 Oldenburg, Hausmann.
He married 1879 in Westerstede Gesche Margarethe Albers (1845-1888) from Apen and had with her 5 children, of which probably only Diedrich ‚August‘ HOBBEN (1886-1952) reached adulthood. Since he was only 14 years old when his father died, the Hausmann position was sold to Gerhard Luks, who dissolved the farm in 1909. This ends the history of the parent house of the „HOBBEN from Ocholt“ family. Diedrich ‚August‘ lived afterwards with his uncle Friedrich HOBBEN (1853-1937), who had temporarily emigrated from 1880 to 1898 to Humphrey, Nebraska, on his farm in Charlottendorf-West.
16. b) Diederich HOBBEN, *17.03.1851 Ocholt, +26.11.1926, Oldenburg-Nadorst, Köter and farmer.
He married in 1881 in Apen Anna Margarethe Peters (1849-1915), emigrated with her immediately after the wedding to Nebraska, where four children were born, but returned with the whole family back to Oldenburg in 1903. For Dietrich HOBBEN (1882-1954) see 17.a). Helene HOBBEN (1883-1964) married the cartwright Bernhard Bulling (1878-1943) from Maibusch in Rastede in 1904 and had three children with him. Anna HOBBEN (1887-1969) married the railway secretary Arthur Schilling (1881-1953) in Oldenburg in 1924. Emma HOBBEN (1891-1968) married the bricklayer Heinrich Wilhelm Hinrich Willers (1885-1919) from Nadorst in Ohmstede in 1910 and had at least two children with him.
16. c) Friederich HOBBEN, *15.07.1853 Ocholt, +01.09.1937 Oldenburg, Brinksitzer, bookkeeper, farmer.
He emigrated together with his older brother, married in 1882 in Columbus, Platte County, NE, USA Sophie Frers (1855-1944) from Felde, and returned already in 1898 with all 5 children born there to Oldenburg. Helene HOBBEN (1883-1960) married the carpenter Karl Christian Hermann Anton Gerdes (1880-1959) from Wechloy in Wiefelstede in 1906 and had 9 children with him in Wiefelstede. Marie HOBBEN (1884-1957) had a son Martin ‚Wilhelm‘ HOBBEN called Wilksen (1905-1970) and married in 1906 in Wiefelstede the locksmith Karl Wilhelm Wilksen (1883-1951) from Seefelderschaart, with whom she had 5 children. Johanne HOBBEN (1886-1968) married the Brinksitzer Johann Diedrich Speckmann (1884-1917) from Littel with whom she had three children in Wardenburg in 1907. On Heinrich HOBBEN (1889-1975) see 17.b). Martha HOBBEN (1891-1918) was engaged, but died unmarried.
16. d) Wübke Helene HOBBEN, *1866 Westerscheps, farm hand.
Before she married Wilhelm Renken (*1864) from Godensholt in Edewecht in 1891 and had 5 children with him, she had a daughter Johanne Helene HOBBEN (1889-1979), born in Westerscheps, see 17c).
17. a) Dietrich HOBBEN, *11.01.1882 Platte County, NE, USA, +19.01.1954 Wardenburg, farmer.
He married Frieda Siemer (1891-1966) from Wardenburg in 1911 and had two sons with her: Georg Diedrich HOBBEN (1911-1942) and Werner August HOBBEN (1914-1995).
17. b) Heinrich HOBBEN, *07.08.1889 Humphrey, Platte County, NE, USA, +11.03.1975 Oldenburg, tenant.
He married 1920 in Wardenburg Marie ‚Christine‘ Martens (1892-1977) from Littel and had with her 6 children.
17. c) Johanne „Hanne“ Helene HOBBEN, *10.07.1889 Westerscheps, +28.11.1979 Godensholt, worker.
She had four sons, two of whom married: August HOBBEN (1918-1964) and Erich HOBBEN (1921-2016).
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Further information, also on children not listed here, deceased or unmarried, as well as on other descendants after 1900, if known and (e.g. in the case of living persons) not data protected, may be provided on request, see Contact.