The spelling of the names mainly follows the baptismal registers and documents. The German names for farmers and farm hands are retained and are to be interpreted as follows:
„Hausmann“ = farmer with a long-established hereditary farm, first settlers in a village,
„Köter“ = farmer with a smaller, later founded farm,
„Halbköter, Viertelköter“ = Köter with less land,
„Brinksitzer“ = small farmer on the outskirts of the village,
„Anbauer“ = farmer on newly cultivated land,
„Grundheuermann“ = farm hand with own house on non-inherent land,
„Heuermann, Heuerling“ = farm hand without own house,
„Häusling“ = person without own house,
„Dienstknecht, Knecht“ = farm hand.
Apen lies about 8.5 km west southwest of Westerstede and used to be an important border town between Oldenburg and East Frisia. The earliest mention of the „von Apen“ dynasty can be found around 1219. The knights and squires of Apen repeatedly made military successes for the Count of Oldenburg. Although the dynasty died out around 1500, the fortress consisted of the 12th century to 1780.

The earliest mention of the family name HOBBIE in Apen can be found in a document dated 30 September 1437 concerning a pension payment which two Apen citizens promised the Lambert foundation in Oldenburg. In it Gerke HOBBINGE is mentioned as „Meier“, i.e. as estate or farm administrator.
In the „Mannzahlregister“ (defence recruitment register) of 1581 is mentioned beside his descendants for the first time also a Köter Gerdt HOBBEN. The following picture shows the location of the two farms in today’s situation.
In the following the two lines „HOBBIE from Apen“ and „Hobben from Apen“ are genealogically described.
The families „HOBBIE from Apen“ until about 1811
1. Gerke HOBBINGE, *around 1400, +after 30.09.1437 Apen, Meier.
He is named in a document of 30 September 1437 as „Meier“ (estate administrator) on a manor in Apen. According to this the squire Boryes van Apen sold a pension of 1/2 Bremer Mark to the Lambert foundation in Oldenburg. He is the currently known top ancestor. He is not listed in the „Oldenburger Salbuch“ of 1428, the tax book of Jacob Specken for Duke Moritz of Oldenburg.
There must have been about three generations between him and Dierich HOBBIE (*about 1530-after 1581), who was mentioned in 1581 in the Apen „Mannzahlregister“ (defence recruitment register).
5. Dierich HOBBIE, *around 1530 Apen, +after 1581, Hausmann.
This great-great grandson of Gerke HOBBINGE is first mentioned in the Mannzahlregister der Vogtei Westerstede-Apen of 1581 with spit, armour and side rifle, together with three sons (one with a rifle and two with 2 spits and side rifle). At least one of these not further documented sons NN HOBBIE must have been father of Oetke HOBBYE (about 1605-1652).
6. NN HOBBIE, *around 1560 Apen, +after 1581, Hausmann.
For this son there are no further data so far. He must have been the father of Otcke HOBBYE (around 1600-1652).
7. Oetke HOBBYE, *at 1605 Apen, +23.12.1652 ibid., Hausmann.
He married around 1630 in first marriage Talke RÖBEN (around 1605-before 1639) and had with her at least four children. Gerd HOBBY (around 1629-1668) became the farm heir. Oetje HOBBI (around 1632-after 1679) was mentioned in Apen 1653 in the Mannzahlregister and 1667, 1668 and 1679 as godfather, he probably remained single. Talke HOBBIE (*around 1635) married the soldier Carsten Wandtschneider (around 1625-1662) in Apen in 1659. Anna HOBBIE (around 1637-1676) married the widowed Hausmann and soldier Johann Tien (1621-1707) from Apen in 1660.
According to an engagement protocol dated 17 April 1639, „Ottke HOBBY zu Apen“ got engaged to Anne Talken (*around 1620), daughter of Oltman Talken from Westerloy, in the presence of his eldest son Gerdt. Of at least five known children from this second marriage, at least three reached adulthood. Gebbcke HOBBIE (1639-1699) married Johan Futh (around 1636-1676) from Seggern in 1664 in Apen and had five children with him. Frerich HOBBY (about 1642- after 1693) took over the new Köterei no. 79 in 1681 at the latest, which was still owned by a Frerich HOBBY in 1739. Further to him is not known. Barbara HOBBY (about 1644- before 1722) married in 1669 the Hausmann Oltman Meyer (1631-1705) from Apen and had four children with him.
Otcke probably also had a daughter named Mette GREVENBORG (*around 1647). After an illegitimate daughter who died as a child, she married Johann Gerdes (* around 1638) in Apen in 1673 and had four children with him.
8. Gerd HOBBY, *around 1629 Apen, +20.12.1668 ibid., Hausmann.
He married 1657 in Apen Gesche Pfuets (about 1631-1728) from Seggern and had with her four children. His wife Gesche HOBBYE was listed after the early death of her husband in the land register of 1681 as farm heiress. Of the four children, only the life of the oldest daughter Elisabeth HOBBYE (1658-1702) as farm heir is documented. The whereabouts of Oetje HOBBIE (*1665) and Anna HOBBIE (*1667) are still unknown.
9. Elisabeth HOBBYE, *26.11.1658 Apen, +20.01.1702 ibid., farm heiress.
She married in 1695 in Apen Gerd Janssen 1654-1727) from Ocholt, who took the name HOBBYE when marrying into this house. They had three daughters, two of whom reached adulthood and married. Gesche HOBBYE (1696-1773), the eldest, became court heiress. Allmuth HOBBY (1698-1768) married 1722 in Apen the Hausmann Boyke Schmeertmann (1696-1735) from Bokel and had three cchilren with him.
10. Gesche HOBBYE, *01.09.1696 Apen, +10.05.1773 ibid., farm heiress.
She married Johann Brüggemann (1690-1756) from Mansie in Apen in 1720, who also adopted the name HOBBY at the time of marriage and was entered in the land register as the owner of the farm in 1739. After the death of his father, however, he also became the owner of the estate „Brüggemann“ in Mansie, which was first mentioned in 1382 with the owner Teylecke Bruggemann.
They had 8 children, 7 of whom reached adulthood. The first-born son Gerd HOBBY (1722-1794) became the farm heir. Johann HOBBY (1724-1748) married Talke Brünjes (1727-1750) and under the assumption of this name into the Hausmannsstelle Brünjes in Ocholt. Frerich HOBBY (1729-1811) later wrote himself HOBBJE, remained single and was 1798 owner of the estate Brüggemann in Mansie. Anna Elisabeth HOBBY (1729-1777) married Johann Willbrok genannt Hammie (1728-1775) from Mansie in Zwischenahn in 1748 and 7 children with him. Anna HOBBY (1732-1761) married in 1750 the widowed Köter Wichmann Bruns (Aug. 1721-1801) from Godensholt. Oetje HOBBY (1736-1804) remained single and after the death of his oldest brother Gerd in 1795 was registered as owner of the farm. Gesche HOBBY (1738-1775) married in 1763 the Köter Helmerich Hemmen (1741-1815) from Godensholt.
11. Gerd HOBBY, *07.06.1722 Apen, +26.08.1794 ibid., Hausmann.
He was heir to the farm and from the death of his father until his own death he was registered as the owner of the estate. He remained single and lived there together with his brothers Frerich and Oetje, who were also single. Oetje was registered as owner after the death of his brother. In the absence of heirs, Frerich Thien was listed as the owner of the farm in the land register from 1818. Thus the line „HOBBIE aus Apen“ was extinguished.
The following Oldenburg Vogteikarte shows to scale the Hausmannsstelle „Hobbie“ and the settlement of Apen around 1797.

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The families „HOBBEN from Apen“ until about 1850
6. Gerdt HOBBEN, *about 1550 Ocholt, +after 1616 Apen, Köter.

He was first mentioned in the „Mannzahlregister“ (defence recruitment register) in Apen in 1581 and is thus the top ancestor of the families „Hobben from Apen“ known so far. He probably was a descendant of the 1530 mentioned Ocholter Hausmann Reyner HOBBEN (*about 1500) from the family „HOBBEN aus Ocholt“, and thus a younger brother of the 1581 mentioned Ocholter Hausmann Johann Hobben (*about 1535) and also of the Köter Sieveke Hobben (*about 1545), the top ancestor of the families „HOBBENSIEFKEN from Westerloy“. He was also „Kirchjurat“ (parish council) and „Armenvorsteher“ (pauper leader) and signed 1616 with his own brand label. He had at least one son and farm heir Eylert HOBBEN (around 1585-1652).
7. Eylert HOBBEN, *about 1585 Apen, +11.05.1652 ibid., Köter.
He was also pauper leader and married in first marriage 1614 in Apen the Hausmann’s daughter Hille Jaspers (1595-1622) from Fikensolt and had with her two daughters. Gertrud HOBBEN (1617-1696) married Carsten Lammers (1621-1701) from Apen around 1648 and had six children with him. Almet HOBBEN (1621-1683) married Dirk zu Jührden (1613-1671) in Apen in 1643 and haf five children with him.
He married in second marriage 1623 in Apen Talke Ovie (about 1595-1664) from Gristede and had with her the daughter Hille and the son Gerd. Hille HOBBEN (*about 1630) married in 1652 in Apen the soldier Gerdt Brunken (*around 1627-before 1677) from Garnholt. Gerd HOBBEN (around 1633-1701) was the heir to the Köterei.
8. Gerd HOBBEN, *around 1633 Apen, +11.04.1701 ibid., Köter.
According to the tax register of 1679 he was a very wealthy man and had one of the most valuable houses in Apen and the largest cash fortune in the parish. He was also pauper leader and married in first marriage 1654 in Apen Anna Stieffs (about 1635-1669) from Hüllstede and had with her four daughters and a son: Talke HOBBEN (*1656) married the Apener Constabel Harmen Schoster (*1657) in 1681. Anna Sophia HOBBEN (1658-aft1718) and Helena HOBBEN (1661-1708) remained single. The whereabouts of Catrina Sophia HOBBEN (*1667) are not yet known. Eilert HOBBEN (1664-1714) became heir to the farm.
He married in second marriage 1671 in Apen Talke Kobrink (*around 1642) from Fikensolt and had with her a daughter Anna Maria HOBBEN (1674-1675).
9. Eilert HOBBEN, *08.05.1664 Apen, +24.10.1714 ibid., Köter.
He married 1688 in Apen Maria ‚Elisabeth‘ Wemmje (1662-1734) from Westerstede and had with her 8 children, who were registered at her baptism partly as „Hoppen“, and of which at least three reached adulthood and married. The first-born Gerd HOBBEN (1689-1733) became the heir to the farm, see 10.a). Eylert HOBBEN (1699-1725) was as a soldier from 21.12.1721 to 25.11.1725 in Dutch service and with the ship „Prattenburg“ in Asia, where he died. In his pay book his mother signed as „Elisabeth Helene Hobben“. For the youngest son Daniel HOBBEN (1708-1792) see 10.b).
10. a) Gerd HOBBEN, *1689 Apen, +20.07.1733 ibid., Köter.
He married 1718 Grete Röben (1690-1771) from Nordloh and had with her two children. Elisabeth HOBBEN (1722-1770) married Hinrich Holstmann (1729-1790), a „Untervogt“ (deputy bailiff) from Apen, in 1763 and had two children with him. Eylert HOBBEN (1725-1783) became the farm heir, see 11.a).
10. b) Daniel HOBBEN, *19.03.1708 Apen, +16.01.1792 ibid., Köter and carpenter.
In 1739 he took over the Fresenhusen’sche Köterei (farm no.77 after Carl Baasen), married Anna Sophia Maria Schlüter (1714-1774) from Apen in 1740 and had three children with her. Anna Elisabeth HOBBEN (1743-1823) married in her first marriage in 1773 in Apen Eilert Hinrich Heemken (1747-1774) of Westerstede, in her second marriage in 1777 the blacksmith Haye Janssen (1749-1801), with whom she had five children. Anna Sophie HOBBEN (1749-1827) married in 1779 in Apen the Halbköter and merchant Hinrich Christophers (1750-1811) and had four childen with him. Dierk HOBBEN (1752-1844) became heir of his father’s Köterei, see 11.b).
The following Oldenburg Vogteikarte shows to scale 1:20.000 the Apener Köterei „Hobben“ and the settlement of Apen around 1797.

11. a) Eylert HOBBEN, *26.08.1725 Apen, +30.04.1783 ibid., Köter.
In the land register 1739 the 14-year-old „Eilert Hoppen“ is listed as owner of the 1693 still the great-grandfather Gerd HOBBEN (1633-1701) belonging Köterei (farm no. 18). He married 1763 in Apen Thalke Klessen (1743-before 1821) from Mansie, the marriage remained childless. 1821 Joh. Gößels Johannsen took over the Köterei. Thus this Köterei parent house of the family „HOBBEN from Apen“. Daniel HOBBEN (1708-1792) continued to live in the immediate vicinity, followed by his son Dierk HOBBEN (1752-1844).
11. b) Dierk HOBBEN, *19.06.1752 Apen, +03.03.1844 ibid., Halbköter and carpenter.
He married 1778 Helene Sophie Röben (1753-1829) from Nordloh and had with her four children, of which three reached adulthood and married. Daniel HOBBEN (1779-1863) became heir to the farm. Anna Sophie HOBBEN (1784-1862) married Eilerd Oltmanns (1786-1861), a Köter from Vreschen-Bokel, in 1808 and had four children with him. Anna ‚Elisabeth‘ HOBBIE (1789-1857) married in 1820 the Köter Dierk Schlüter (1798-1828) from Hengstforde and had five children with him.
12. Daniel HOBBEN, 02.12.1779 Apen, +28.07.1863 ibid., Halbköter and carpenter.
He married Charlotte Amalie Schröder (1784-1861) from Holtgast in 1811 and had three children with her. Diedrich HOBBEN (1812-1856) became farm heir. Helene Sophie HOBBEN (1814-1890) married in 1838 the Apener Köter Gerd Eilers (1816-1860). Margarete Amalie HOBBEN (1817-1884) married the Apen innkeeper Eilert Hinrich Tebbje (1814-1866) in 1842.
13. Diedrich HOBBEN, 07.04.1812 Apen, +25.10.1856 ibid., Halbköter and carpenter.
He married Anna Eilers (1816-1898) in Apen in 1841 and had 5 daughters with her, three of whom reached adulthood and married. Charlotte ‚Amalie‘ HOBBEN (1842-1891) married in 1871 the farmer and timber merchant Georg Friedrich Theodor Orth (1842-1926), had 7 children with him and took over as eldest the paternal farm, which after her death was transferred to her eldest son, Diedrich Anton Georg ORTH (1872-1957) and thus no longer belonged to the the name bearer of the family „HOBBEN from Apen“. Thalke Helene HOBBEN (1845-1928) married Johann Diedrich Mönnich (*1845), a teacher born in Hurrel near Hude, in Apen in 1874. Sophie Marie HOBBEN (1852-1922) married Harm Westerholt (1854-1922), a side teacher born in Horst near Ganderkesee, in Apen in 1877 and had four children with him. Due to the lack of a male heir, the line of the „HOBBEN from Apen“ was extinguished.
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Further information, also on children not listed here, deceased or unmarried, as well as on other descendants after 1900, if known and (e.g. in the case of living persons) not protected, may be provided on request, see Contact.