
The municipality of Zetel lies about 15 km southwest of the town of Wilhelmshaven and belongs to the district of Friesland. It is situated 17 km south of the district town of Jever and just as far north of Westerstede, the centre of the district of Ammerland, where all other families of German origin with the names „Hobbie“ and „Hobben“ have their origin. Zetel lies on the northern edge of the Geestflächen and was thus not exposed to the earlier storm tides like the more northern marshes. Grave finds in Zetel suggest that this area lying on a Geestrücken was already inhabited in the Neolithic Age (around 2500 BC). Hook ploughs and other evidence of the settlement. The earliest rural settlements were probably created by the Germanic chauks living between the rivers Weser and Ems at the turn of time. In this area it was around 780 AD the English monk Willehad, who tried to win the inhabitants for Christianity. After the foundation of the first church in Leer around 800 A.D., Bishop Unwan had more and more churches built in today’s East Frisia and northern Oldenburg, initially mainly in timber construction, especially from around 1000 A.D. onwards.

In the course of this development, the first church in Zetel was built around 1100 A.D. on a mound at the southern edge of a 6 m high sand ridge, the Zeteler Esch. On the site of the first wooden church a stately church made of granite blocks is finished in 1250 and consecrated as St. Martin’s Church, as it still stands today after destruction around 1400 and subsequent reconstruction. The name Zetel is first mentioned as „Sethle“ (for „settlement“) in a document of Pope Martin V from 1423: „The villages of Dangast, Ellens, Bockhorn, Zetel and Horsten are abandoned due to the passage of time, the fields have not been cultivated for a long time and spoiled by salt water. The churches are empty, robbed of their bells, altars, missals and reliquaries“. This makes it understandable that there are no references to farms, families or persons from this period. The church records with exact personal details do not begin in Zetel until 1706. Before that, from around 1580, there were isolated registers for tax, land allocation and defence recruitment. The „Oldenburger Salbuch“, the tax book compiled by Jacob Scheinheise (after marriage called Specken), the Minister of Duke Moritz von Oldenburg in the period 1428-1450, unfortunately does not yet contain any information for Zetel, since the „Friesische Wehde“ with Zetel, Bockhorn and Neuenburg, which had long been fought over by East Frisian chieftains and Oldenburg counts, did not finally belong to Oldenburg until the „Peace of Zetel“ on 3 December 1517.

The following picture shows the location of Zetel and the current spread of the families „Hobbie aus Zetel“.

Dissemination of the Hobbies from Zetel

The parent house of the HOBBIE families from Zetel stood from the 16th century until the middle of the 1950s at the present address „Westerende 2 – 4“, where then the secondary school was built.

Hobbie-Stammhaus in Zetel in GoogleEarth

The map below shows the village of Zetel around 1790 geometrically correct at a scale of 1 : 20,000. The parent house of the families „HOBBIE from Zetel“ is marked with a grey circle. A few houses further northeast the cross symbols of the churchyard with the church are weakly recognizable, north of it are the fields of the Zeteler Esch, which separate the local situation from the Zetelermarch (marshland). The semicircular square on the south-eastern edge of the village later became the market square and today represents the centre of the village. The mill on the left-hand side of the map is already located in the settlement of Bohlenberge.

Hobbie-Stammhaus in Zetel in Vogteikarte from 1793
Oldenburg Vogteikarte von 1793 (Copyright: LGLN Niedersachsen)
Special print (cover) of Hobbie-Zetel family tree
Family Tree of the „HOBBIE from Zetel“ – Reprint from DGB Vol. 59, 1928

As early as 1928, the family tree of the „HOBBIE from Zetel“ families was published under the title „Stammfolge der Familie Hobbie (Börding) aus Zetel in Oldenburg“ in volume 59 of the Deutsches Geschlechterbuch (DGB), the so-called „Ostfriesenband“ (East Frisian volume), which was also the only comprehensive description in the Geschlechterbuch of all HOBBIE families and their relatives. This presentation was also published as a special edition at that time (see title page). In this special print also a coat of arms „Hobbie“ is illustrated, which was accepted only 1922 by the families „HOBBIE from Zetel“ and then – in black-and-white, but with naming of the colours – also in the „Bürgerliches Wappenbuch“ (The civil coat of arms book) of Siebmacher was entered in volume V, section 12 on plate 65.

Coat of arms of the family "HOBBIE from Zetel"
Coat of arms „HOBBIE“

This coat of arms is described as: „in silver a red, golden inseminated rose with green sepals; on the red-silver bulged helmets with the same cover between two bull horns divided by red and silver over a corner a golden pointed cross“ (see illustration).

Defence recruitment register of 1581 for Zetel
„Mannzahlregister“ (defence recruitment register) of 1581 for Zetel (extract)





The ancestor Renke Hobbie, born around 1560, who is named in the German Gender Book, is identical to the „Hausmann“ (heredity farmer) Reincke Hobbeie, who was first named in the „Mannzahlregister“ (defence recruitment register) of 1581 under no. 189. There is still another Reincke Hobbeie named as „Köter“ (farmer with a smaller estate) under no. 230, who cannot have been a brother, but must have been his uncle. While the Hausmann Reincke Hobbeie is listed with 2 persons („2P“), armour („Ha“), spear („Sp“) and rifle („Ro“), his presumed uncle only starts with one rifle.

Only a few years ago it became known that Johan Hobbie as ae Zeteler Meier (inherity farmer) was named in the land allotment from the embankments of 1582 and 1596. He will therefore have been the elderly father of Hausmann Reincke Hobbeie, who was listed 1581 in the Mannzahlregister.

The earliest mention of members of the HOBBIE family in Zetel with exact dates of their life can be found on gravestones, which can still be seen today on the Zetel church yard.

Tombstone of Renke *1672 and Johann *1676 HOBBIE, died 1697
Old Tombstone Gerdt & Wilhelm Hobbie
Tombstones Gerdt (1641-1696) and Wilhelm (1863-1931) HOBBIE










Thus Gerdt HOBBIE (1641-1696) and his family are the oldest Zetelers of this name, who – still before the church books begun here only 1706 – are clearly dated and assigned. The earliest appearance of the name „Hobbie“ in Zetel was probably after the „Peace of Zetel“ at the end of 1517. Since the name already existed before in Ammerland, but not in East Friesland, where the name „Habben“ originated separately patronymically, a new settlement of Zetel is to be assumed after the decline reported in 1423 by moving in from Ammerland. Also further Zeteler surnames with origin in the Ammerland let this appear probably.

The first names „Johan“, „Renke“ and „Gerd“, being popular within the „HOBBIE from Zetel“ family, were are also frequent among the „HOBBIE aus Linswege“. Therefore a later Linswege son will very probably have come to Zetel, only 16 km away, and taken over an empty or impoverished estate

. According to a papal document from 1423, Zetel had been almost abandoned after storm surges, failed harvests and diseases and five years later had been ceded from Rüstringen to Oldenburg, but only with the „Zetel Peace“ of 1517 the hostilities between East Frisia and Oldenburg in this area were finally ended. Even though such a son (presumably a Reincke HOBBING *around 1500) is not documented in Linswege, he fits into the family there. He is therefore assumed here to be the progenitor of the „HOBBIE from Zetel“ families, even if this could not be confirmed by a DNA test carried out in 2007 with several living male descendants of both lines.

The families „HOBBIE from Zetel“ until around 1920

The spelling of the names mainly follows the baptismal registers and documents. Also in the Zeteler church books in the period from about 1722 to 1766 by the pastors the Low German spelling „Hobje“ is preferred repeatedly.
The German names for farmers and farm hands are retained and are to be interpreted as follows:
„Hausmann, Meyer“ = farmer with a long-established hereditary farm, first settlers in a village,
„Köter“ = farmer with a smaller, later founded farm,
„Halbköter, Viertelköter“ = Köter with less land,
„Brinksitzer“ = small farmer on the outskirts of the village,
„Anbauer“ = farmer on newly cultivated land,
„Grundheuermann“ = farm hand with own house on non-inherent land,
„Heuermann, Heuerling“ = farm hand without own house,
„Häusling“ = person without own house,
„Dienstknecht, Knecht“ = farm hand.

1. Reincke HOBBING, *around 1500 Linswege, +around 1560 Zetel, Hausmann.
This ancestor of the family „HOBBIE from ZETEL“ is not documented yet. His existence results from the two presumed sons Johan and Reincke, who are named in the land allocations 1583 and 1604 from the embankments 1582 and 1596 respectively (named in issue 26 of the „Gelbe Serie“ of the Oldenburgische Gesellschaft für Familienforschung, OGF). Probably Reincke HOBBING (around 1500-around 1560) as the later son of the Hausmann Reyneke HOBBING (*around 1460) in Linswege came from there to Zetel about 1525 to 1530, i.e. after the „Zetel Peace“ of 1517, to take over an empty or impoverished farm. Thus the family line „HOBBIE from Zetel“ is probably a side line of the families „HOBBIE from Linswege“ and this Reincke HOBBING (around 1500-around 1560) is thus a great-grandson of their earliest Hausmann Teyleke HOBBING (*around 1400) mentioned in the Salbuch of 1428.
He probably had at least three sons. Johan HOBBIE (around 1530-around 1605) was the heir to the estate, see 2.a). For Reincke HOBBEIE (around 1540-um 1590) see 2.b). Gerd HOBBIE (around 1550-around 1580) became the founder of the ancestral line „HOBBIEGERDES“ of the families „HOBBIE from Zetel“, see further under „Hobbiegerdes„.

2. a) Johan HOBBIE, *around 1530 Zetel, +around 1605, Meyer.
He is mentioned in the land allocations 1583 and 1604 from the embankments 1582 and 1596, respectively, but not in the Mannzahlregister of 1581. Instead, his adolescent son Reincke HOBBEIE (around 1560-around 1620) is mentioned as Hausmann, see 3.a).

2. b) Reincke HOBBEIE, *about 1540 Zetel, +about 1590, Köter.
He is mentioned in the Mannzahlregister of 1581 (no. 230) as „1 person with rifle“, also as Köter in the land allocation 1583 from the dike building of 1582. He was most likely the brother of the forementioned Hausmann Johan HOBBIE and the uncle of Reincke HOBBEIE (*around 1560). He probably had at least two sons. Otke Hobbie (around 1570-around 1640) was the heir of the Köterei and became founder of the ancestral line „HOBBIEÖTJEN“ of the families „HOBBIE from Zetel“, see further at „Hobbieoetjen„. For Henrich HOBBYE (around 1575-around 1660) see 3.b).

3. a) Reincke HOBBEIE, *about 1560 Zetel, +about 1620, Hausmann, Meyer.
He is called in the Mannzahlregister of Neuenburg 1581 for Zetel („Setell“) as Hausmann under no. 189 „Reincke Hobbeie, 2 persons with harness, speer and rifle“. The other „Reincke Hobbeie“ of the same name was probably his uncle, brother of his first-born father Johan Hobbie. In the aforementioned reprint of the Hobbie-Zetel family tree „Renke Hobbie, born around 1560“ was described as the oldest known ancestor of the families „Hobbie aus Zetel“, which is out of date as explained above. He had at least two sons: Rencke HOBBIE (around 1600-around 1670) was the heir of the farm, see 4). Johan HOBBIE (c. 1610- c. 1640) is listed in the Mannzahlregister 1630 and 1635 at the 1st Corporalschaft, further information about him is not known.

3. b) Henrich HOBBYE, *about 1575, +about 1660, Brinksitzer.
He was named as Brinksitzer in the eldest land title record from around 1600″ (more likely from around 1650) in Roßfelde in field 10 (Zetel-East), on the parcels 496/174 and 497/175. Two sons might belong to him: Johann HOBBY (around 1610-around 1658), who was mentioned in the Mannzahlregister 1630 and 1635 at the 3rd Corporalschaft, 1658 at the Dragoner, and Henrich HOBBY (around 1615-around 1670), who is mentioned in the Mannzahlregister 1635 and 1653 at the 3rd Corporalschaft, 1658 at the 5th Corporalschaft, and who lived as Hinderich HOBBY in the location „im Wolffelde“ according to a reallocation of 26.01.1659. Nothing else is known about both sons.

4. Rencke HOBBIE, *about 1600 Zetel, +about 1670, Hausmann, Meyer.
He is listed in the Mannzahlregister 1630 and 1635 as a sergeant (officer) of the municipal defence unit and 1658 with the 1st Corporalschaft. He is also listed as Meyer in the allotment of 1641 from the embankment of 1582, as well as in the allotment of 1659 which was an embankment at own expense: „Anno 1659 haben genannte Personen uff ihre Kosten bey der Blawe Handt auß der See eingeteichet“. Reinke Hobbie received 4 jück land. The „Weinkaufgeld“ (fee for the allotment contract) fixed on 29.03.1667 amounted to 5 Rth per Jück land. He had three sons: Gerdt HOBBIE (1641-1696) was the heir of the farm, see 5.a). Berend HOBJE (1646-1722) remained a bachelor. For Johan HOBBIE (1648-1713) see 5.b).

5. a) Gerdt HOBBIE, *26.09.1641 Zetel, +21.09.1696, ibid., Hausmann.
He married according to inscription on a gravestone (still today on the Zetel churchyard 1670 Gesche Asseln (1645-1713) and had with her two sons and one daughter who all died young and unmarried. Rencke HOBBIE (1672-1697), Jelcke HOBBIE (*1674) and Johan HOBBIE (1676-1697).

5. b) Johan HOBBIE, *17.04.1648 Zetel, +14.04.1713 ibid., Köter.
He later also called himself Johann VON BUSCH, because in 1686 he acquired and managed the so-called „von Busch’sche Köterei“. He married in first marriage 1694 in Zetel Talke Assel (1674-1701) from Zetel and had with her two children. For Gerd HOBBIE (1696-1757) see 6). Talke HOBBIE (*1701) married in 1723 in Zetel Dirk Carsten Gerdes (*about 1699). Johan was also the father of an illegitimate daughter of Wübke Asseln Siefken (*around 1685): Anna VON BUSCH also Ann HOBJE (1707-1739), who remained unmarried. In his second marriage in 1708 with Dorothea KruseJohan only had a daughter who died as a toddler.

6. Gerd HOBBIE also HOBJE, *15.07.1696 Zetel, +20.08.1757 ibid., Hausmann, Kirchjurat.
When he married Gesche Hüllstede (1690-1757) from Steinhausen in 1716, he called himself „Gerd VON BUSCH“ and took over the orphaned Hausmann position of his grandfather and uncle. They had four sons, all of whom reached adulthood and married, and three of whom were the starting persons for the three living Family lines today. Gerd HOBBIE also HOBJE (1717-1791) continued this family house as court heir and founded the so-called „eldest family line“, see further under „A) Eldest Zetel family line„. Jürgen Bernhard HOBBIE also HOBJE (1719-1756) married in 1750 in Zetel Trine Bohms (1719-1770) from Osterende and had with her a son Wilke HOBJE (1752-1780) who died young. Johann HOBJE later HOBBIE (1722-1764) was the ancestor of the „middle family line“, see further at „B) Middle Zetel family line„. Renke HOBJE or VON BUSCH and later HOBBIE (1725-1802) founded the „youngest family line“, see further at „C) Youngest Zetel family line„.

The following map from 1790 shows the location of the living quarters of the Middle line and Youngest line in relation to the parent house.

Hobbie-Farms in Zetel in Vogteikarte from 1790
Oldenburg Vogteikarte von 1790 (Copyright: LGLN Niedersachsen)

A) „Eldest Zetel family line“

A.7. Gerd HOBBIE also HOBJE, *20.01.1717 Zetel, +21.07.1791 ibid., Hausmann.
He married in first marriage 1753 Triene NN (about 1730-before 1758) and had with her a daughter Grete HOBJE (1753-1786), who married 1772 in Zetel the Brinksitzer and Heuermann Gerd Röben (1737-1827).
He married in second marriage 1758 in Zetel Anne Hullen (1739-1787) from Zetel and had with her 6 children, of which 5 reached adulthood and married. Gerd HOBJE also HOBBIE (1759-1820) was the farm heir, see A.8.a). Eilert HOBJE (1762-1804), Köter, married 1801 in Zetel Allmuth Deyarens (1751-1832) from Zetel and had with her a stillborn daughter. Gesche HOBBIE (1767-1789) married Wilke Meenen Dirks also Mehnedierks (1758-after 1788) from Bohlenberge in Zetel in 1786 and had two children with him. For Wilke HOBBIE (1770-1826) see A.8.b). Anne HOBBIE (1773-1803) married the Hausmann Gerd Söker (1766-1810) from Driefel in 1791 in Zetel in his first marriage and had 5 children with him.

A.8. a) Gerd HOBJE also HOBBIE, *25.09.1759 Zetel, +19.03.1820 ibid., Hausmann.
He married 1788 in Zetel Grete Ötken (1763-1844) from Bohlenberge and had with her 8 children, of which 7 reached adulthood and married. Gerd HOBBIE (1788-1826) was the heir of the farm, see A.9.a). Thalcke HOBBIE (1790-1834) married Friedrich Oetken (1790-1849) from Zetel in 1814 and had four children with him. Anne HOBBIE (1793-1846) married the Heuermann Johann Langerenken (1794-1871) from Driefel in Zetel in 1822 and had a daughter with him. For Harm Hobby (1795-1850) see A.9.b). Gesche Margarete HOBJE later HOBBIE (1798-1827) married in 1824 in Zetel the Brinksitzer Johann von Busch (1800-1865) from Schweinebrück and had three children with him. Johann HOBJE later HOBBIE (1801-1848), carpenter, married Margarete Bohlen (1809-1859) from Zetel in Zetel Thalke in 1837 and had with her three children, of which only the daughter Anna Margarete HOBBIE (*1845, + in Emden) reached adulthood and in 1871 married the bricklayer Carl Wilhelm Rudolf Kruckmann (*1843) from Winkelsheide in Winkelsheide. Wilke HOBJE later HOBBIE (1804-1847), house painter and glazier, married Anna Margarete Holljesiefken (1805-1859) from Zetel in 1838 in Zetel and had two daughters with her – apart from twin sons who died immediately after birth – both of whom remained unmarried and died young.

A.8. b) Wilke HOBBIE, *15.07.1770 Zetel, +02.03.1826 Bohlenberge, Köter.
He married 1798 in Zetel Gesche Margarethe Fluchtmann (1779-1834) from Bohlenberge and had with her 8 children, of which 6 reached adulthood and married. Friedrich HOBBIE (1799-1857) was the farm heir, see A.9.c). Anne HOBBIE (1802-1853) married the widowed Brinksitzer and Anbauer Johann Jürgen Stoll (1800-1851) from Driefel in Zetel in 1831 and had 6 children with him in Schweinebrückerfeld. Gesche HOBBIE (1804-1863) married Eilert Eilers (1804-1837) from Schweinebrück in Zetel in 1834 and had two children with him. For Gerd HOBBIE (1807-1888) see A.9.d). Johann HOBBIE (1810-1837) was named by Catharine Louise Warns (*1810) from Wittmund as the father of her illegitimate daughter Gesche Margarete WARNS named HOBBIE (1837-1909), he died young and single. For Eilert HOBBIE (1816-1885) see A.9.e).

A.9. a) Gerd HOBBIE, *29.07.1788 Zetel, +13.12.1826 ibid., Hausmann.
He married 1821 in Zetel Thalke Buntkiel (1795-1850) from Bohlenberge and had with her three children, of which only the son Gerd HOBBIE (1822-1864) reached adulthood and married, see A.10.a).

A.9. b) Harm HOBBIE, *19.12.1795 Zetel, +17.05.1850 ibid., Heuermann and carpenter.
He married 1836 in Zetel Maria Arens (1814-1868) from Marx and had with her two children. For Gerd HOBBIE (1837-1871) see A.10.b). Anna Sophie HOBBIE (1840-1923) arrived on 09.06.1870 with the ship „America“ in New York and married 1878 in Nebraska the widower Dietrich J. Schomerus (1831-1911) from Etzel, the marriage remained childless.

A.9. c) Friedrich HOBBIE, *19.04.1799 Bohlenberge, +08.09.1857 ibid., Köter.
He married 1834 in Zetel Anne Margarete Siefken (1806-1865) from Bockhorn and had 5 children with her, of which two reached adulthood and married. Wilke HOBBIE (1834-1874) was the heir of the farm, see A.10.c). Anna Margarete HOBBIE (1843-1928) married in 1866 in Zetel the shoemaker and factory worker Hinrich Eilers (1833-1932) from Grabstede and had 6 children with him in Zetel.

A.9. d) Gerd HOBBIE , *03.11.1807 Bohlenberge, +30.01.1888, Franklin County, NE, USA, weaver.
He married 1837 in Holtrop Thalke Margarete Wülker widowed Carls (1802-1868) from Etzel and had with her four children born in Felde, municipality Großefehn, who all married and died in the USA. After the death of his wife he followed his children and arrived on 22.08.1868 with the ship „Deutschland“ in New York. Gesche Margarethe HOBBIE (1837-1896) married Johann Hinrich Köhne (*1837) from Grabstede in Bockhorn in 1865 and died in Menard County, IL, USA. For Harm Hobbie (1839-1869) see A.10.d). For Willm HOBBIE (1841-1880) see A.10.e). For Johann Jürgen HOBBIE (1843-1917) see A.10.f).

A.9. e) Eilert HOBBIE, *25.06.1816 Bohlenberge, +30.5.1885 ibid., Anbauer and weaver.
He married in 1847 in Zetel Anna Margarete Müller (1820-1901) from Marx and had with her 10 children born in Bohlenbergerfeld, three of whom reached adulthood and married. Gesche ‚Margarete‘ HOBBIE (1848-1915) married in 1876 in Sangamon County, IL, USA Heye Janssen Dirks (1848-1934) from Vossbarg and had with him 8 children who all lived in Missouri from 1900 at the latest. Elise HOBBIE (1858-1942) married Casimir Theodor Conrad Dillmann (1860-1921) from Norden in Oldenburg in 1887. Wilke HOBBIE (1861-1951), Anbauer and worker, remained childless in his first marriage in 1888 in Zetel with Elise Catharine Kossenjohanns (1861-1950) from Driefel, as well as in his late second marriage in 1950 with Astrid Emma Emilie Hinzmann (1893-1969).

A.10. a) Gerd HOBBIE, *08.01.1822 Zetel, +21.11.1864 ibid., Hausmann.
He married 1848 in Zetel Thalke Catharine Dierks (1825-1899) from Zetel and had with her 8 children, of which 7 reached adulthood. Thalke Margarethe HOBBIE (1849-1916) married the farmer Hinrich Spiekermann (1842-1924) from Jaderberg in Bockhorn in 1880, where they also – apparently childless – died. Gesche Margarethe HOBBIE (1850-1892) married the widowed farmer Friedrich Koch (1817-1889) from Zetel in her first marriage in 1880 in Zetel, in his second marriage in 1890 in Zetel the farmer and carpenter Gustav Diedrich Adelbert Husmann (*1866) from Zetel, both marriages remained childless. Gerd HOBBIE (1852-1891) as heir to the farm remained single . Anna Catharine HOBBIE (1854-1930) married Gerhard Hollje aka Siefken (1848-1908), a widowed farmer and merchant, in 1887 in Zetel and had three children with him. Wilhelmine HOBBIE (1858-1940) married the station worker Hermann Heinrich Friedrich August Graf (1872-1924) from Neuenburg in Zetel in 1896 and had two daughters with him. For Emil Günther HOBBIE (1860-1911) see A11.a). Wilhelm HOBBIE (1863-1931) took over his father’s farm after the death of his single older brother Gerd and also remained single, so that he was the last male heir of the parent house of the families „HOBBIE from Zetel“. His tombstone can also be seen on one of the photos shown above. The farm was then run until its demolition in the mid-1950s by Magda Gesine Budelmann née Hollje called Siefken (1898-1988), who was the daughter of Anna Catharine HOBBIE (1854-1930) and her husband Diedrich Jacob Budelmann (1905-around 1943).

A.10. b) Gerd HOBBIE,*12.02.1837 Zetel, +22.11.1871 Golzwarden, carpenter.
He married 1868 in Golzwarden Catharine Elise Kloppenburg (1846-1886) from Harrien and had with her two sons. For Reinhard Anton HOBBIE (1869-1944) see A.11.b). Georg Martin HOBBIE (1871-after 1910) arrived on 10.06.1887 (one year after his brother) with the ship „Trave“ in New York. He was farm worker „Gerhard George HOBBIE“ until 1896 in Nebraska City, 1900 in Colorado and 1910 a railway construction worker in Washington State, afterwards his track was lost.

A.10. c) Wilke HOBBIE, *30.12.1834 Bohlenberge, +28.03.1874 ibid., Köter.
He married in 1859 in Zetel Anke Elisabeth Grotejohanns (1836-1918) from Zetel and had with her 5 children, four of whom reached adulthood and married. Anna Margarethe Friederike HOBBIE (1860-1944) married the carpenter Johann Hinrich Gerhard Schröder (*1861) from Oldenburg in Oldenburg in 1888. For Johann Friedrich HOBBIE (1863-1937) see A.11.c). Henriette Sophie HOBBIE (1869-1953) married Johann ‚Reinhard‘ Jürgens (1867-1947) in Bockhorn in 1899 and had two sons with him. Frieda Aline HOBBIE (1874-1935) married in 1910 in Zetel the machinist Heinrich August Joseph Leonhard (*1881) from Powe-Belm, district of Osnabrück.

A.10. d) Harm „Herman“ HOBBIE, *07.03.1839 Felde, +1869 Menard County, IL, USA, farmer.
He married 1863 in Wilhelmshaven-Neuende Sophia Catharina Rädeker (1841-1897) from Neuende and arrived with her on 05.09.1864 with the ship „Republic“ in New York. They had three sons in Menard County. For William HOBBIE (1865-1919) see A.11.d). Henry HOBBIE (*1867) lived 1897 in Rock Springs, WY, USA and 1919 in Rexburg, IN, USA. Further to him is not yet known. For Herman Gart HOBBIE (1869-1949) see A.11.e).

A.10. e) Willm „William“ HOBBIE, *27.04.1841 Felde, +22.02.1880 Menard County, IL, USA, farmer.
He had emigrated to the USA between 1862 and 1864, married Melissa Jane Sapp (1847-1880) from Menard County in Petersburg in 1867 and had 7 children with her, all of whom reached adulthood and married 6.
Alice E. HOBBIE (1869-1931) married the widowed Abraham ‚Lincoln‘ Park (1861-after 1930) from Ohio around 1898 in Chicago and died in Everson, WA, USA. Emma Jane HOBBIE (1870-1935) married Henry W. Boeker (1863-1908) of Menard County in 1889 and had two children with him. For Herman Hiram HOBBIE (1872-1959) see A11.f). Margarethe „Maggie“ HOBBIE (1873-1936) married in 1902 in Monroe County, MO, USA James Harvey Dawson (1873-1937) from Monroe County and had two children with him. For John William HOBBIE (1875-1944) see A.11.g). William HOBBIE II (1878-1931) was a farmhand, remained single and died in Cass County, IL, USA. For Charles Garett HOBBIE (1879-1940) see A.11.h).

A.10. f) Johann Jürgen „Jann, John“ HOBBIE, *27.08.1843 Felde, +06.03.1917 Osborne County, KS, USA, farmer.
He emigrated to America in 1868, married Meta D. Rademacher (1856-1939), born in Strackholt, in 1876 in Sangamon County, IL, USA, and had with her a son George D. HOBBIE (1882-1958), who was farmer and remained single.

A.11. a) Emil Günther HOBBIE, *02.09.1860 Zetel, +29.01.1911 ibid., carpenter.
In 1891 he married Louise Helene Marie Wiemken (1865-1953) from Schlüte, municipality of Berne in Zetel and had 8 children with her, of whom at least three daughters reached adulthood and married. In 1919 Taline HOBBIE (*1892) married the mechanical engineer Asmus Johannsen (*1893) from Tingleff, Tondern district, in Zetel. Agnes Sophie HOBBIE (1899-1975) married the teacher Johann Martin Plagge (1883-1967) from Wittmund in Berne in 1922. Hertha HOBBIE (1902-1962) married the mechanical engineer Peter Martin Thomssen (*1905) from Flensburg in 1930 in Stedingen, Berne.

A.11. b) Reinhard Anton HOBBIE, *02.03.1869 Golzwarden, +01.12.1944 Nebraska City, NE, USA, farmer.
He arrived in New York on 05.06.1886 with the ship „Fulda“. In 1896 he married in Nebraska City Augusta ‚Wilhelmine‘ Heinke (1878-1965) from Nebraska and had 6 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood and married. For Karl Frederick HOBBIE (1896-1938) see A.12.a). Ida Margaretha HOBBIE (1898-1945) married in 1923 the farmer Louis William Dickman (1898-1956) from Nebraska and had with him a daughter Lois Eva Dickman (1924-aft 2007), who married Ervin Arnold Schomerus (1922-2006) from Nebraska City in 1943. For Arthur Johannes HOBBIE (1902-1978) see A.12.b). Wilhelmine Katherine HOBBIE (1918-2002) married in 1948 in Nebraska City Earl J. Freeman (1903-1984), the marriage remained childless.

A.11. c) Johann Friedrich HOBBIE, *23.11.1863 Bohlenberge, +17.07.1937 Varel, tailor.
He married 1894 in Varel Johanne Alwine Henriette Harms (1872-1937) from Varel and had with her two children, of which only the son reached adulthood and married. For Adolf Johann HOBBIE (1896-1987) see a.12.c).

A.11. d) William HOBBIE, *06.01.1865 Menard County, +13.02.1919 Linn County, MO, USA, farmer and railroad conductor.
He married Hattie J. Long (1873-1910) from Missouri, with whom he had a son born in Nebraska, in his first marriage in 1891 in Colorado, USA. For Clarence H. HOBBIE (1894-1970) see A.12.d). In his second marriage he married Susie Wallace (1876-1952) from Linn County, MO, USA around 1911 in Missouri and had three children with her, two of whom reached adulthood and married. For Lester HOBBIE (1911-1987) see A.12.e). For Wallace HOBBIE (1914-1977) see A.12.f).

A.11. e) Herman „Harmon“ Gart HOBBIE, *27.10.1869 Menard County, IL, +04.08.1949 Boise, ID, USA, cattle breeder and conductor.
He married 1894 Clara D. Green (1872-1955) from Illinois and had with her a son born in Phillips County, CO, USA. For Glenn Herman HOBBIE (1896-1971) see A.12.g).

A.11. f) Herman „Harmon“ Hiram HOBBIE, *22.04.1872 Menard County, +31.12.1959 Okmulgee, OK, USA, farmer.
He married in 1903 in Pontotoc County, OK, USA Mabel Mae Weller (1887-1960) from Jackson County, IN, USA and had 5 children with her. Mildred Juanita HOBBIE (1904-1981) married in 1922 in Pontotoc County, OK, USA Grover Cleveland Sawyers (1893-1979) from Franklin County, AZ, USA and had two children with him. Bernice Beatrice HOBBIE (1905-1984) married around 1931 the shop foreman Wallace C. Simmons (1905-1985) from Clairita County, OK, USA and had 5 children with him. Truman Upton HOBBIE (1907-1980) became a machinist, married in first marriage 1927 in Vernon, TX Dorothy Edna Phillips (1905-1985) from Pontotoc, County, OK, USA and had with her two daughters, from his second marriage around 1946 with Lettie Green are known no children. Lula Verna Mae HOBBIE (1909-1989) married John Porter McCoy (1898-1985) from Jackson County, MO, USA in 1937 and had a son with him. Victor Herman HOBBIE (1919-1993) became supervisor at American Airlines, married Anne Hefcheck (1919-1994) from Blackwood, PA, USA in 1945 in Fairview, NJ, USA and had two sons with her.

A.11. g) John William HOBBIE, *07.10.1875 Menard County, IL, USA, +20.04.1944 Chicago, IL, USA, bookkeeper & paymaster.
He married Daisy Dean Kimmel (1875-1972) from Crestine, OH, USA in 1900 and had two children with her. For Kenneth Howard HOBBIE (1902-1983) see A.12.h). Marion A. HOBBIE (1906-1987) married in 1931 in Cedar Rapids, IA, USA Leon Marvin Skrede (1905-1993) from LaCrosse, WI, USA and had two children with him.

A.11. h) Charles Garett HOBBIE, *27.12.1879 Menard County, IL, USA, +24.04.1940 Ramsey County, MN, USA, farmer.
He married his first wife in 1903 in Logan County, IL, USA Elizabeth Miller (1882-1916) from Greenview, IL and had four children with her. For Harold William HOBBIE (1904-1963) see A.12.k). Alma Emma HOBBIE (1908-1996) married in 1932 in Hudson, WI, USA Arthur Henry Lorr (1906-1988) from Barnesville, MN, USA and had two children with him. For Carl Gerhardt HOBBIE (1910-1981) see A.12.m). For William Theodore HOBBIE (1913-1976) see A.12.n).
In second marriage Charles Garett married 1917 in Petersburg Virginia May Clark (1882-1936) from there and had with her a son. For Richard Clark HOBBIE (1918-2004) see A.12.o).

A.12. a) Karl Frederick HOBBIE, *24.11.1896 Nebraska City, NE, USA, +17.03.1938 ibid. farmer.
He married Louise Kathryn Güttinger (1896-1988) from Nebraska City in 1918 and had four children with her. Dorothea Louise HOBBIE (1919-2015) married in 1938 in Tecumseh, NE,USA James Boradman (1912-2008) and had 6 children with him. Ralph Karl HOBBIE (1920-2011), farmer and carpenter, married Jo Ann Whipple (*1921) from Nebraska in Tecumseh in 1942 and had four sons with her. Betty Lou HOBBIE (1924-2008) married Elmer Cogdill (1918-1987) in 1943 and had two daughters with him. Dolores Lorraine HOBBIE (*1930) married in 1949 in Nebraska City Clarence M. Ross (1929-2001) and had two children with him.

A.12. b) Arthur Johannes HOBBIE, *18.03.1902 Nebraska City, +11.02.1978 Dunbar, Otoe County, NE, USA, farmer.
He married 1924 Jessina Henrietta Hauberg (1904-1997) from Otoe County, NE, USA and had a son with her. Donald Dean HOBBIE (1924-2007) married Doris Mae Lowerey (1926-1993) in 1945 and had two children with her.

A.12. c) Adolf Johann HOBBIE, *05.05.1896 Varel, +10.01.1987 ibid., craftsman.
He married in 1923 in Varel Anna Friederike Schneider (1905-1944) and had with her two sons, of which only the church administration director Helmut Friedrich HOBBIE (1924-2015) reached adulthood, who married 1954 in Varel Johanne Maria ‚Inge‘ Ramme (1924-2017) from there and got with her three daughters.

A.12. d) Clarence H. HOBBIE, *02.06.1894 Holdrege, NE, USA, +Jan. 1970 Kirksville, Adair County, MO, USA, railroad brakeman and merchant.
He married around 1913 Eva NN (*around 1894) from Missouri, and had with her a daughter: Bernice HOBBIE (*March 1913).

A.12. e) Lester HOBBIE, *19.09.1911 Kirksville, Adair County, MO, USA, +June 1987 Virginia, USA, teacher.
He was married twice, 1940 in St. Louis, MO, USA with June Edith Schoenbeck (1919-1984) he had a daughter, and 1953 with Hildegard S. Biel (1918-1996).

A.12. f) Wallace HOBBIE, *18.08.1914 Kirksville, Adair County, MO, USA, +May 1977, Carlisle, PA, USA, medical doctor.
He married Helen Knight Townsend (*1926) around 1946 and had four children with her.

A.12. g) Glenn Herman HOBBIE, *01.05.1896 Holyoke, Phillips County, CO, USA, +07.12.1971, Boise, ID, USA, railroad brakeman and salesman.
He married 1921 in Boise Beulah Catherine Snow (1902-1993) from Idaho.

A.12. h) Kenneth Howard HOBBIE, *19.07.1902 Chicago, Cook County, il, USA, +Dec. 1983 ibid., salesman.
He married Evelyn Ruth Capouch (1906-1961) from Chicago in his first marriage in 1928 in Chicago and had three children with her. From his second marriage in 1952 in Chicago with Marguerite B. NN (1910-2002) are no known children.

A.12. k) Harold William HOBBIE, *25.05.1904 Petersburg, Menard County, IL, USA, +10.10.1963 St. Paul, MN, USA.
He married in 1929 in St. Paul, MN, USA Meta Alberta Muggenburg (1905-1997) from Hastings, MN, USA and had two sons with her.

A.12. m) Carl Gerhardt HOBBIE, *03.07.1910 Tallula, Menard County, IL, USA, +10.04.1981 St. Paul, Dakota County, MN, USA.
He married in 1943 in St. Paul Ann Lilian Hetland (*1917) from Hannaford, ND, USA and had two children with her.

A.12. n) William Theodore HOBBIE Sr., *12.01.1913 Tallula, Menard County, IL, USA, +17.01.1976 Denver CO, USA.
He married in first marriage 1935 in Hudson, WI, USA Marion Doris Ballard (*1915) from Minnepolis, MN, USA and had a daughter with her. In second marriage he married Vivian LaVerne Patton (*1928) in 1946 in Watertown, Codington County SD, USA and had three children with her. From his third marriage around 1959 with Mildred Elise Hawkins (*around 1925) no children are known.

A.12. o) Richard Clark HOBBIE, *05.02.1918 Petersburg, Menard County, IL, USA, +14.12.2004 Boulder, NV, USA.
He married Lola Katherine Tipton (1921-1966) in his first marriage in 1946 in Georgetown, KY, USA and had with her two sons. No children are known from his second marriage around 1970 in Hennepin, MN, USA with Helen Mae Reese (*1924).

B) „Middle Zetel family line“

B.7. Johann HOBJE later HOBBIE, *08.09.1722 Zetel, +16.03.1764 ibid., Brinksitzer.
He married 1752 in Zetel Talke Hallmann (1729-1788) from Zetel and had with her three children, two of whom reached adulthood and married. Gesche HOBJE later HOBBIE (1753-1808) married the Brinksitzer Frerich „Frerk“ Onken in Zetel in 1771 and had 6 children with him, four of whom reached adulthood and married. Albert HOBJE (1755-1806) was the farm heir.

B.8. Albert HOBJE also HOBBIE, *24.12.1755 Zetel, +03.03.1806 ibid., Brinksitzer and carpenter.
He married Talke Hullen (1755-1800) from Zetel in his first marriage in 1779 and had 7 children with her, at least three of whom reached adulthood and married. Talke HOBBIE (1781-1832) married the Brinksitzer Friedrich Koch (1757-1808) from Zetel in 1804 and had a son with him. Johann HOBBIE (1785-1836) was the farm heir, see B.9.a). The whereabouts of Gerd HOBBIE (*1791) are unknown, he might have followed the Napoleonic troops to Russia. For Eilerd HOBBIE (1794-1823) see B.9.b).
In second marriage he married 1802 Gesche Bohlen (1777-1845) from Zetel and had with her two daughters. Gesche Margarete HOBJE (1802-1890) had 5 children from her first marriage in 1819 with the carpenter Hinrich Husmann (1783-1832) from Zetel and another 4 children from her second marriage in 1839 with the carrier Wilke Mehmkeneilers (1796-1861) from Zetel. Anne HOBJE (1805-1874) married Johann Friedrich Janssen (1803-1874), a carpenter from Ellens, in Zetel in 1826 and had four children with him.

B.9. a) Johann HOBBIE, *11.09.1785 Zetel, +06.03.1836 ibid., Brinksitzer.
He married Anne Elisabeth Hobbie (1790-1825), his 2nd cousin from the „Youngest Family line“, in his first marriage in 1810 and had 10 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood and three of whom married. Albert HOBBIE (1811-1873) was the farm heir, see B.10.a). On Jürgen HOBBIE (1820-1860) see B.10.b). Thalke ‚Margarete‘ HOBBIE (1823-1870) married in 1846 the blacksmith Hinrich Albers (1820-before 1899) from Zetel and arrived with him and three of altogether 6 children on 10.06.1856 with the ship „Bremenbark Mississippi“ in New York, from where they moved first to Iowa, later to Nebraska. Johann HOBBIE (1825-1860) died as a single shoemaker in Varel.
He married in second marriage 1826 in Zetel Anne Catharine Quaden (1796-1838) from Blauhand and had with her four children, of which only the eldest daughter Anne Elisabeth HOBBIE (1828-1906) reached adulthood, married in 1853 in Sande the twice widowed tenant Diedrich Backhaus (1815-1880) from Salzengroden and had with him three children.

B.9. b) Eilerd HOBBIE, *01.05.1794 Zetel, +09.07.1823 ibid., Brinksitzer and weaver.
He married Anne Margarethe Onken (1786-1860) from Zetel in 1815 and had 5 children with her, of whom two daughters reached adulthood and married. Thalke HOBBIE (1815-1872) married Diedrich Albers (1810-1886) from Zetel in 1842 and had three children with him. Gesche Margarete HOBBIE (1817-1897) married the Brinksitzer Johann Hinrich Fehners (1809-1865) from Zetel in 1841 and had 6 children with him.

B.10. a) Albert HOBBIE, *05.09.1811 Zetel, +09.08.1873 ibid., Brinksitzer and carpenter.
He married Allmuth Margarete Dierks (1819-1877) from Driefel in 1839 in Zetel and had 7 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood and married. Johann HOBBIE (1840-1896) was the farm heir, see B.11.a). For Hinrich HOBBIE (1849-1907) see B.11.b). Anna ‚Sophie‘ Gesine HOBBIE (1853-1930) married in 1880 in Zetel the farmer and innkeeper Hermann Wilkenjohanns (1847-1922) from Schweinebrück and had three children with him. For August Diederich HOBBIE (1860-1917) see B.11.c).

B.10. b) Jürgen HOBBIE, *12.12.1820 Zetel, +05.02.1860 Driefel, Brinksitzer and turner.
He married in 1848 in Zetel Wübke Margarete Dierks (1820-1899) from Driefel and had three children with her. Johann HOBBIE (1849-1922) became Brinksitzer and merchant and married 1886 Gesine Margarethe Friederike Behrens (1856-1933) from Zetel, the marriage remained childless. Gesche Margarethe HOBBIE (1850-1921) married the weaver Gerhard Gabrieljürgens (1850-1931) from Schweinebrück in Zetel and had four children with him. For Eilert HOBBIE (1855-1930) see B.11.d).

B.11. a) Johann HOBBIE, *10.09.1840 Zetel, +01.11.1896 ibid., Brinksitzer and carpenter.
He married in 1881 in Zetel Gesche Margarethe Tramann (1851-1916) from Kleinhorsten and had four children with her, three of whom reached adulthood. Albert Johann HOBBIE (1884-1956) was the heir, see B.12.a). Margarete ‚Johanne‘ HOBBIE (1887-1954) became a housekeeper, remained single and died in Oldenburg. For Karl ‚Georg‘ Heinrich HOBBIE (1890-1958) see B.12.b).

B.11. b) Hinrich HOBBIE, *19.06.1849 Zetel, +20.03.1907 ibid., Köter and carpenter.
In 1881 he married Helene Margarethe Janssen (1853-1934) from Zetel and had four children with her, two of whom reached adulthood and married. Anna Margarete HOBBIE (*1885) married the bricklayer Friedrich Emil Hübeler (1888-1980) from Bockhorn in 1917. Regine Elise ‚Sophie‘ HOBBIE (1886-1953) married in Zetel in 1908 the farmer Johann Gerhard Janssen (1876-1947) from Kranenkamp  and had two sons with him.

B.11. c) August Diederich HOBBIE, *20.01.1860 Zetel, +13.10.1917 ibid., carpenter.
He married 1892 in Zetel Gesine Katharine Schütte (1872-1960) from Ruttelerfeld and had with her 7 children, four of whom reached adulthood. Adolf Heinrich HOBBIE (1892-1968) became carpenter and married 1922 in Zetel Ida Wilhelmine Meinjohanns (1895-1994) from Schweinebrückerfeld, the marriage remained childless. Anna Minna HOBBIE (1896-1972) remained single and childless. Hermann Hinrich HOBBIE (1897-1974) became a carpenter, married Frieda Elisabeth Ahlhorn (1902-1987) from Astederfeld in Neuchâtel in 1926 and had two daughters with her. For August Diedrich HOBBIE (1913-1963) see B.12.c).

B.11. d) Eilert HOBBIE, *08.01.1855 Driefel, +11.10.1930 Varel, tradesman, innkeeper, butcher, factory worker.
He married in 1884 in Zetel Talke Helene Renken (1861-1939) from Hiddels and had with her 15 children, 6 of whom reached adulthood and married. Mathilde Johanne Gerhardine HOBBIE (1887-1949) married in 1912 in Zetel the locksmith Bernhardt Adden Bünting (1888-around 1975) from Middels-Westerloog and had a son with him. Gesine Elise HOBBIE (1888-1969) married in Zetel in 1909 the farmer and carrier Gustav Diedrich Theesfeldt (1884-1970) from Varel and had two children with him. Klara Gretchen HOBBIE (1889-1937) married in 1910 in Zetel the merchant and car dealer Hinrich Gerhard von Lienen (*1889) from Jethausermoor. Anna ‚Helene‘ HOBBIE (1892-1953) married in Varel in 1914 the rubber mechanic Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Behn (1884-1938) from Groß-Liedern, district Uelzen . For Erich HOBBIE (1895-1961) see B.12.d). Magda Hermine HOBBIE (1899-1947) married the butcher Karl Otto Zimmermann (1898-1939) from Zetel in 1914 and had two children with him.

B.12. a) Albert Johann HOBBIE, *10.11.1884 Zetel, +09.04.1956 ibid., master carpenter.
He married in 1914 in Zetel Alma Catharine Reinders (1890-1948) from Driefel and had three children with her. Elisabeth Margarethe HOBBIE (1914-1980) married Hans Gerd Luks (1912-1941) from Ocholt in Bockhorn in 1939 and had a daughter with him. For Johann Reinhard HOBBIE (1916-1991) see B.13.a). Georg Johannes HOBBIE (1926-2003) became a carpenter and caretaker and married Amanda Vogel (1925-2003) from Varel in Zetel in 1951.

B.12. b) Karl ‚Georg‘ Heinrich HOBBIE, *08.08.1890 Zetel, +19.07.1958 Oldenburg, railway officer.
He married 1926 in Oldenburg Hertha Karla Marie Tütken (1904-2000) from there and had with her two sons.

B.12. c) August Diedrich HOBBIE, *04.11.1913 Zetel, +28.01.1963 Osterforde, baker.
He married 1950 in Zetel Else Wiemers (1919-2009) from Schweinebrück and had with her a son.

B.12. d) Erich HOBBIE, *03.01.1895 Zetel, +22.07.1961 ibid., livestock dealer.
He married Anna Johanetta Elisabeth Roth (1898-1932) from Limburg an der Lahn in his first marriage in 1919 in Zetel and had two children with her. Elfriede Helene Amalie HOBBIE (1920-1998) married the butcher Georg Friedrich Heidemann (*1920) from Grabstede in 1949. They emigrated to Canada and remained childless. Egon HOBBIE (1925-1999) became a merchant and livestock trader, married Sigrid Auguste Stucke (1927-2006) from Riesa (Saxony) in Neuchâtel in 1952 and had three children with her.
In his second marriage he married Frieda Behrens (1908-after 1988) from Zetel around 1933.

B.13. a) Johann Reinhard HOBBIE, *13.10.1916 Zetel, +02.06.1991 ibid., master carpenter.
He married in 1949 in Zetel Therese Catharine Brunken (1923-2002) from Schweinebrück and had with her two sons: Reiner Wilhelm Johannes HOBBIE (1928-1976) and Günter HOBBIE (1934-1997), who were both married and had two children each.

C) „Youngest Zetel family line“

C.7. Renke HOBJE or VON BUSCH and later HOBBIE, *10.07.1725 Zetel, +14.04.1802 ibid., Köter, retailer, innkeeper, distiller.
He bought from his father, who had returned to the orphaned parent house, 1753 the von Busch’sche Köterei, which he managed already 1747 as 22-year-old after completion of his apprenticeship and where he had established an inn. From 1757 he also ran a genever distillery and a retail shop, which is very well documented in a book of operations that is still preserved today. This book has been reported about in the yearbook „Oldenburgische Familienkunde“, volume 59, 2017 of the Oldenburgische Gesellschaft für Familienkunde e. V. (ISBN 978-3-7308-1380-5).
He married in 1751 in Zetel Wübke Margret Frerichs later Dirks (1735-1768) from Zetel and had 7 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood and married. Gerd HOBJE (1752-1795) was the heir, see C.8.a). On Jürgen HOBJE (1758-1827) see C.8.b). For Johann HOBJE (1763-1837) see C.8.c). Anne Liesbeth HOBBJE also Anne Elisabeth HOBBIE (1766-1850) married in 1792 in Zetel the widowed tenant Johann Harm Wachtenorf (1746-1816) from Schweinebrück and had four children with him.
The widowed Renke (1725-1802) was father of the illegitimate daughter Wübke HILLEN called HOBBIE (1769-1796), daughter of Gebke Margarete Hillen (1746-1789) from Schniedershausen, who then married Brinksitzer and weaver Eilerd Böseneilers (1769-1797) from Zetel in 1793.
In 1771 he married Anne Sophie Meyer, widowed Röben, (1747-1777) from Neurnburg, who was born in Apen. He had a son Renke HOBBIE (1772-1819) with her, see C.8.d). And in third marriage he married 1781 in Zetel Ann Margret Frerichs (1762-1802) from Bohlenberge, with whom he had the son Dierk HOBBIE (1781-1781), who died at the age of four months.

C.8. a) Gerd HOBJE later HOBBIE, *22.12.1752 Zetel, +13.09.1795 ibid., Köter.
He married 1788 in Zetel Wübke Lübben (1773-1852) and had with her two daughters. Wübke Margrete HOBBIE (1791-1855) married in 1814 in Zetel the Köter, merchant and factory owner Diedrich Gerhard Georg (1792-1839) from Astede and had 9 children with him. Anne ‚Marie‘ HOBBIE (1795-1866) married the Hausmann Johann Brötje (1789-1830) from Kleibrok in her first marriage in Rastede in 1816, Gerd Hullen (1794-1863) from Osterende in her second marriage in Zetel in 1833.

C.8. b) Jürgen HOBJE later HOBBIE, *25.12.1758 Zetel, +15.08.1827 ibid., Brinksitzer and dyer.
He was „Blaufärber“ (a dyer using blue printing on fabrics), lawyer for the poor and married Anne Elisabeth Koch (1771-1837) from Zetel in 1787 and had 14 children with her, at least 6 of whom reached adulthood. In 1810 Anne Elisabeth HOBBIE (1790-1825) married Johann HOBBIE (1785-1836), her cousin of the 2nd degree from the „middle family line“, and had 10 children with him, see there. Gesche Margrete HOBBIE (1798-1828) married in Langwarden in 1821 Hinrich Wilhelm Eilers (1785-1845) from Ruhwarden, three times widowed and from Steinhausen, and had three children with him. Diedrich HOBJE (1801-1879) was the heir, see C.9.a). The whereabouts of Gerd HOBJE (*1805) are unknown. Thalke Margarete HOBBJE later HOBBIE (1811-1870) married 1832 in Zetel the Köter Hinrich Friedrich Gerhard Kettler (1805-1870) from Oldenburg-Osternburg and had 5 children with him. Friedrich Heinrich HOBBIE (1815-1847) was a single accessist and died with his brother-in-law Kettler in Oldenburg-Osternburg.

C.8. c) Johann HOBJE later HOBBIE, *08.11.1763 Zetel, +09.10.1837 ibid., tenant and mill owner.
He married Helene Margrete Börding (1769-1813) from Steinhausen in his first marriage in 1789 in Zetel and had 10 children with her in Obermeielgroden, 7 of whom reached adulthood and 6 married. Wübke Margarete HOBBIE (1791-1813) married in Zetel in 1811 Eilerd Mahlstede (1784-1853) from Driefel, a Hausmann and breeder of cattle, and had two daughters with her. Johann ‚Friedrich‘ BÖRDING HOBBIE (1793-1868) was the farm heir, see C.9.b). Rencke HOBBIE (1795-1827) died young and single. For Johann HOBBIE (1797-1868) see 9.c). Helene Margarete HOBJE also HOBBIE (1799-1874) married in 1816 in Zetel the Köter and Hausmann Eilert Hullen (1791-1865) from Osterende and had 10 children with him in Driefel. Anne Elisbeth HOBJE later HOBBIE (1803-1834) married the widowed husband Johann Hermann Anton Hemken (1798-1935) from Bockhorn in Zetel in 1826 and had three children with him in Düke, Langwarden. Gerhard HOBJE later HOBBIE (1805-1828) died young and single. For Diedrich HOBJE (1807-1883) see 9.d).
In his second marriage in 1814 he married Anne Dorothee Theilen (1778-1857), born in Neuenburg, widowed Asseln from Zetel, this marriage remained childless.

C.8. d) Renke HOBBIE also HOBJE, *22.12.1772 Zetel, +15.01.1819 ibid., Köter, retailer, innkeeper, destiller.
He was also a genever destiller and Kirchjurat. During the French occupation he was „Maire“ of Zetel from 28.01.1812 to 30.09.1814 as „Renke DE HOBIE“. He married 1800 in Zetel Wübke Lübben (1773-1852), the widow of his half brother Gerd HOBJE later HOBBIE (1752-1895), and took over two years later – after the death of his father – the Köterei and the business. He had 5 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood and married. Anne Sophie HOBBIE (1801-1860) married the retailer Johann Diedrich Röben (1795-1858) from Neuenburg in 1823 and had three sons with him. Renke HOBBIE (1811-1858) became the heir, see C.9.e). Elise HOBBIE (1813-1862) married in her first, short marriage 1833 in Zetel the landowner and miller Gerhard Suhren (1804-1833) from Jeringhave, in her second marroage 1836 in Zetel the Conducteur and „Großherzoglichen Baurat“ Friedrich Wilhelm Röben (1804-1878) from Neuenburg, the brother of her brother-in-law, with whom she had three children. For Johann ‚Gerhard‘ HOBBIE (1816-1888) see C.9.f).

C.9. a) Diedrich HOBJE later HOBBIE, *21.01.1801 Zetel, +05.07.1879 ibid., Brinksitzer and dyer.
He also was „Blaufärber“ and married 1830 Thalke Margarete Albers (1808-1866) from Zetel and had with her three children. Anne Elisabeth HOBBIE (1830-1853) married the Hausmann Johann Hullen (1823-1880) from Driefel in Zetel in 1851 and had two daughters with him. Gesche Margarethe HOBBIE (1832-1869) married her second cousin Johann HOBBIE (1829-1858) in her first marriage and had four children with him, see C.10.b). In 1864 she married the Hausmann Nicolaus Diedrich Denker (1840-1927) from Bernebüttel in Zetel and had three sons with him in Driefel. On Jürgen HOBBIE (1837-1863) see C.10.a).

C.9. b) Johann ‚Friedrich‘ BÖRDING HOBBIE, *12.06.1793 Obermeielgroden, +10.10.1868 Zetel, tenant.
He married 1814 in Zetel Wübke Margarete Wachtendorf (1796-1818) from Zetelermarsch and had two children with him. Johann BÖRDING HOBBIE (1814-1836) died young and single. Anna Elisabeth BÖRDING HOBBIE (1817-1861) married the pastor Gustav Wilhelm Closter (1804-1861) from Oldenburg in Zetel in 1853, the marriage remained childless.

C.9. c) Johann HOBBIE, *07.03.1797 Obermeielgroden, +13.01.1868 Zetel, farmer and mill owner.
He married 1828 Thalke Margarete Asseln (1796-1838) from Zetel and had with her 5 children, two of whom reached adulthood and married. For Johann HOBBIE (1829-1858) see C.10.b). Anna Sophie HOBBIE (1834-1902) married the farm owner Diedrich Gerhard Hanken (1832-1909) from Driefel in Zetel in 1856 and had four children with him.

C.9. d) Diedrich HOBJE later HOBBIE, *03.11.1807 Obermeielgroden, +25.04.1883 Zetel, farmer.
He was also church warden in Zetel, from 1860 to 1863 member of the Oldenburg state parliament and from at least 1834 to 1846 farmed a farm in Hoben, community Rodenkirchen. He married 1833 in Zetel Margarete Theilen (1815-1888) from Schweinebrück and had 7 children with her. Helene Sophie HOBBIE (1834-1872) married in 1852 in Waddewarden the farm owner Cornelius Martens Remmers (1829-1887) from Bottens and had 7 children with him. For Friedrich HOBBIE (1836-1902) see C.10.c). For Johann Christian HOBBIE (1839-1917) see C.10.d). For Diedrich HOBBIE (1841-1916) see C.10.e). Luise Wilhelmine HOBBIE (1843-1882) was unmarried. For Heinrich ‚Gerhard‘ HOBBIE (1846-1877) see C.10.f). Johanne Friederike Elisabeth HOBBIE (1855-1911) married the farmer Theodor Hermann Janssen (1851-1898) from Friedrichsgroden in Zetel in 1876 and had two daughters with her.

C.9 e) Renke HOBBIE, *03.04.1811 Zetel, +18.07.1858 ibid., Köter, innkeeper, retailer.
According to the traditional apprenticeship contract of 1826, he did a commercial apprenticeship in Oldenburg, later he was also the mayor and parish governor in Zetel, married Anne Elisabeth Hullen (1831-1920) from Driefel in 1856 and had two children with her. Renke HOBBIE (1856-1922) was the heir, see C.10.g). Helene HOBBIE (1858-1929) married in 1894 in Zetel the farmer Martin Meeno Janssen (1868-1895) from Marschhausen in first marriage, in 1899 his brother Friedrich Anton Janssen (1876-1951) from Gödens in second marriage.

C.9. f) Johann ‚Gerhard‘ HOBBIE, *31.08.1816 Zetel, +06.01.1888 Blauhand, Brinksitzer and innkeeper.
He was father of the illegitimate daughter Trienke Gerdes DIEKMANN (*1853), born in Zwischenbergen, daughter of Frauke Janssen Diekmann (*1826) from Strackholt. In 1854 he married in Zetel Bina Catharine Buntkiel (1832-1909) from Silland and had four children with her, three of whom reached adulthood. Renke HOBBIE (1854-1914) was the heir of the farm, see C.10.h). Amalie Marie HOBBIE (1856-1937) married in Bockhorn in 1879 the farmer Eduard Reinhard Hullen (1850-1942) from Ellens and had two sons with him in Wüppels. Diedrich Wilhelm HOBBIE (1861-1943) remained single and childless.

C.10. a) Jürgen HOBBIE, *18.11.1837 Zetel, +05.02.1863 ibid., Hausmann.
He married 1861 in Zetel Thalke Margarete Heyne (1840-1881) from Bohlenberge and had with him a son Diedrich HOBBIE (1862-1942), see C.11.a).

C.10. b) Johann HOBBIE, *31.05.1829 Zetel, +21.01.1858 ibid., Hausmann and brickworks owner.
In 1851 he married Gesche Margarethe Hobbie (1832-1869) from Zetel, his cousin of the 2nd degree (see C.9.a), and had four children with her, of whom two daughters reached adulthood and married. Johanne HOBBIE (1852-1875) died a few months after her marriage in 1875 with the Köter Johann Hermann Haschen (1847-1930) from Driefel. Therese HOBBIE (1853-1887) married in 1878 in Warfleth the tobacco manufacturer, mayor and postal agent Gerhard Friederich Wenke (1848-1919) from Motzen and had four children with him in Warfleth.

C.10. c) Friedrich HOBBIE, *17.04.1836 Altenhoben, +04.03.1902 Wehnen, farmer and farm owner.
He married 1861 in Zetel Thalke Margarete Theilen (1835-1897), was first in Warfen, later in Obermeielgroden and had with her 7 children, of which 5 reached adulthood. Mathilde Helene HOBBIE (1865-1946) remained single and childless. Diedrich HOBBIE (1869-1941) was the farm heir, see C.11.b). Louise Wilhelmine HOBBIE (1871-1951) married the farmer Jello Janssen Tiarks (1862-1894) from Wallum in her first marriage in 1892 in Zetel and had a daughter with him, in her second marriage in 1897 in Jever the retailer and bookseller Johannes Remmers (1856-1902) from Jever and had three children with him. Frieda Marie HOBBIE (1875-1935) married in 1896 in Sande the farm owner and beer driver Reinhard Gerhard Hajen (1871-1952) from Silland and had 6 children with him. Martha ‚Helene‘ HOBBIE (1876-1901) married the farmer Heyo Tjarks (1869-1944) from Wallum in Sande in 1896 and had a son with him.

C.10. d) Johann Christian HOBBIE, *23.04.1839 Altenhoben, +30.04.1917 Hooksiel, farm owner.
He married in 1869 in Pakens Marie Cäcilie Diederike Müller (1846-1934) from St. Joostermühle and had with her 7 children, of which 5 reached adulthood and married. Diedrich Christian HOBBIE (1870-1958) was the farm heir, see C.11.c). Elise Margarethe HOBBIE (1871-1953) married in 1895 in Jever the farm owner and mayor Georg Friedrich Gerken (1868-1950) from St. Jooster-Groden and had four children with him. Helene Amalie HOBBIE (1873-1945) married 1895 in Jever the farmer Hermann Hinrich Carls (1865-1925) from Hebrighausen and had with him two sons. Johanne ‚Christine‘ HOBBIE (1874-around 1944) married in 1920 in Berlin the merchant Friedrich Hermann Franz (1871-around 1944) from Zeulenroda (Thuringia), they died in a bombing raid. For Johann HOBBIE (1879-1951) see C.11.d).

C.10. e) Diedrich HOBBIE, *19.07.1841 Hobeneck, +24.11.1916 Jever, farm owner.
He married 1869 in Zetel Fenke ‚Wilhelmine‘ Wilken (1848-1928) from Wedelfeld and had 11 children with her, 5 of whom reached adulthood and married. Friedrich Wilhelm HOBBIE (1871-1947) was the heir to the farm, see C.11.e). For Johann Gerhard HOBBIE (1874-1935) see C.11.f). Johanne Louise ‚Wilhelmine‘ HOBBIE (1876-1954) married the textile manufacturer Friedrich Reinhard Onken (1869-1949) from Zetel in 1897 and had four children with him. On Ernst HOBBIE (1881-1927) see C.11.g). Johanne Theodore HOBBIE (1884-1940) married Peter Abrahams (1880-1967) from Jever in 1908 and had two daughters with him.

C.10. f) Heinrich ‚Gerhard‘ HOBBIE, *02.04.1846 Hobeneck, +05.06.1877 Zetel, farmer and mill owner.
He married in first marriage 1869 in Zetel Elise Hermine Memmen (1850-1874) from Oberahm and had with her two daughters. Mathilde Friederike HOBBIE (1870-1969) married in Sande in 1890 the farm owner Hinrich Christian Frels (1867-1928) from Norderfeld, community Brake and had with him two sons. Wilhelmine Louise HOBBIE (1872-1965) married in 1893 in Jeringhave the farm owner Johann Heinrich Reinhard Baumann (1864-1947) from Norderschweiburg and had two sons with him.
He then married in 1875 in Zetel Helene Johanne Henriette Brunken (1857-1916) from Astede and had with her a son who died at the age of 3 months.

C.10. g) Renke HOBBIE, *24.10.1856 Zetel, +19.09.1922 Oldenburg, farmer and innkeeper.
He married in Zetel in 1900 Johanne Friederike Haake (1874-1955) from Halfstede and had three sons with her. For Renke Johannes HOBBIE (1900-1945) see C.11.h). For Gerhard Friedrich HOBBIE (1902-1991) see C.11.k). For Ernst August HOBBIE (1909-1983) see C.11.m).

C.10. h) Renke HOBBIE, *01.08.1854 Blauhand, +13.10.1914 ibid., farmer and innkeeper.
He married 1886 in Zetel Catharine Margarete Tebben (1863-1941) from Schweinebrück and had with her four children, two of whom reached adulthood and married. Minna Sabine HOBBIE (1888-aft 1966) married in Zetel in 1909 the retailer Diedrich Hermann Rüdebusch (1883-1963) from Kielgroden. For Johann ‚Gerhard‘ HOBBIE (1889-1962) see C.11.n).

C.11. a) Diedrich HOBBIE, *01.08.1862 Zetel, +21.02.1942 Ellens, farmer and farm owner.
He married 1891 in Zetel Anna Margarete Hermine Gravecarstens (1869-1946) from Driefel and had with her three children. Therese Margarethe HOBBIE (1892-1974) married the widowed factory owner Otto Hinrich Onken (1885-1970) in 1926 and had two children with him. For Friedrich Johann Otto HOBBIE (1894-1978) see C.12.a). For Diedrich Johann HOBBIE (1901-1973) see C.12.b).

C.11. b) Diedrich HOBBIE, *02.10.1869 Warfen, +31.01.1941 Neuchâtel, farmer and farm owner.
He married in 1896 in Sande Talette Marie Hajen (1876-1954) from Silland and had 5 children with her. Adele Marie HOBBIE (1897-1976) married the farm owner Friedrich Gerhard Backhaus (1894-1986) from Osterende in 1922 and had three children with him. Martha Helene HOBBIE (1899-1978) married the farmer Heinrich Wilhelm Müller (1895-1983) from Hohenberge in Zetel in 1923 and had two sons with him. Helene Friederike HOBBIE (1901-1983) married Gerhard Folkert Herzog (1894-1988) from Groß-Wassens in Zetel in 1922 and had a daughter with him. For Friedrich HOBBIE (1902-1993) see C.12.c). For Hinrich HOBBIE (1907-1985) see C.12.d.

C.11. c) Diedrich Christian HOBBIE, *13.03.1870 Gerrietshausen, +02.02.1958 Warfen, farm owner.
He married in 1897 in Fedderwarden Anna Emilie Maria Popken (1872-1933) from Wilhelmshaven-Mitteldeich and had with her two children, of whom son Johann Christian HOBBIE (1898-1988) reached adulthood and married, see C.12.e).

C.11. d) Johann HOBBIE, *25.02.1879 Warfen, +January 1951 Westeraccumersiel, farm owner.
He married in first marriage 1903 in St. Joost Elisabeth Johanne Hullen (1883-1946) from Hodens and had three children with her in Popphuse. Marie ‚Johanne‘ HOBBIE (1904-1992) married the farmer and banker Friedrich Theilen (1901-1970) from Oldenburg-Osternburg in Jever in 1927 and had two children with him. For Richard Johann Hermann HOBBIE (1905-1992) see C.12.f). For Ernst Diedrich HOBBIE (1909-1973) see C.12.g).
After divorce in 1914 he married Helene Margarethe Feeken (1895-1968) from Asel in 1919 and had 5 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood. Marianne HOBBIE (1920-1945) died young and single. Hertha Johanne Ulrike HOBBIE (1921-1986) married the professional soldier Anton Neuhaus (1920-1971) in Bremen-Vegesack in 1954. For Ulrich ‚Bernhard‘ HOBBIE (1923-2005) see C.12.h). Elfriede Elisabeth HOBBIE (1931-2018) married in 1949 in Esens the nurse Erich Otto Oltmanns (1927-2014) from Esens.

C.11. e) Friedrich Wilhelm HOBBIE, *31.01.1871 Obermeielgroden, +19.01.1947 Jever, farm owner.
He married Emma Katharina Schemering (1878-1948) from Elmsenhausen in Waddewarden in 1899 and had two children with her. Friederike ‚Wilhelmine‘ HOBBIE (1901-1927) married the farmer Eilhard Jabbo Becker (1900-1986) from Ussenhausen in Wüppels in 1926 and had a daughter with him. For Diedrich Krien HOBBIE (1905-1985) see C.12.k).

C.11. f) Johann Gerhard HOBBIE, *04.05.1874 Obermeielgroden, +15.06.1935 Jever, farm owner.
He married 1899 in Waddewarden Rosalie ‚Magdalene‘ Schemering (1875-1965) from Elmsenhausen, the sister of his sister-in-law, and had with her four children, two of whom reached adulthood and married. In 1927 Frida Wilhelmine HOBBIE (1900-1970) married Hermann Heinrich Nannen (1893-1972) from Wiesede in Zetel and had three children with him. For Diedrich Carl HOBBIE (1902-1976) see C.12.m).

C.11. g) Ernst HOBBIE, *18.09.1881 Obermeielgroden, +27.12.1927 Strakens, farm owner.
He married Emma Sophie Johanne Dudden (1884-1952) from Neuwarfen in Oldorf in 1907 and had three children with her, two of whom reached adulthood and married. For Diedrich Wilhelm HOBBIE (1908-1975) see C.12.n). Else Wilhelmine Adele HOBBIE (1913-2002) married the farmer Enno Alfred Herzog (1907-1991) from Haddien in Hohenkirchen in 1934 and had two children with him.

C.11. h) Renke Johannes HOBBIE, *13.10.1900 Zetel, +26.04.1945 Russia. retailer.
He married 1928 in Zetel Alma Helene Helmers (1905-1960) from Bohlenberge and had with her a son Renke Gerhard HOBBIE (*1928).

C.11. k) Gerhard Friedrich HOBBIE, *14.05.1902 Zetel, +24.05.1991 ibid., farmer, innkeeper.
He inherited his father’s farm, married in his first marriage in 1930 in Zetel Frieda Gesine Säfken (1912-1943) from Schweinebrück and had with her a son Gerd Hermann HOBBIE (1930-2012). In his second marriage he married Frieda Sagemüller (1918-2011) from Bockhorn in Kranenkamp in 1947 and had with her a daughter Hanna Marie HOBBIE (*1949).

C.11. m) Ernst August HOBBIE, 03.06.1909 Zetel, +18.10.1983 ibid., electrical engineer.
In 1941 he married Gisela Margarethe Brosius (1918-2013), born in Luschwitz (Prussia), Berlin, and had two sons with her: Dierk Ernst HOBBIE (*1943) and Jürgen Wilhelm HOBBIE (*1956).

C.11. n) Johann ‚Gerhard‘ HOBBIE, *09.11.1889 Blauhand, +08.09.1962 Varel, farmer and innkeeper.
He took over his father’s farm and inn, married Gesine Margarete Renken (1887-1962) from Zetel in 1919 and had with her at least one daughter Käthe Hildegard HOBBIE (1920-2008).

C.12. a) Friedrich Johann Otto HOBBIE, *25.12.1894 Ellens, +23.01.1978 ibid., farmer.
He married 1929 in Zetel Alma Catharine Dierks (1902-1974) from Driefel and had four children with her.

C.12. b) Diedrich Johann HOBBIE, *23.01.1901 Ellens, +24.05.1973 Osterforde, farmer.
He married 1930 in Bockhorn Adele Mathilde Lübben (1906-1971) from Steinhausen and had three children with her.

C.12. c) Friedrich HOBBIE, *31.12.1902 Obermeielgroden, +15.01.1993 Bochum, farmer.
He was the heir to the farm, married in 1936 in Bremen-Huchting Käthe Adele von Seggern (1911-1990) from there and had three children with her: two daughters married near Nordenham or Varel and the farmer Diedrich HOBBIE (1942-2006) in the Zetelermarsch.

C.12. d) Hinrich HOBBIE, *03.05.1907 Obermeielgroden, +03.10.1985 Lapwing nest, farmer.
He became a farmer in Förrien, married in his first marriage in 1932 in Tettens Bertha Margaretha Kromminga (1909-1972) from Hoffhuse and had four children with her. Two daughters and two sons married in the district of Friesland. In second marriage he married 1975 I. Rücker (*around 1910).

C.12. e) Johann Christian HOBBIE, *05.02.1898 Warfen, +11.09.1988, Hooksiel, farmer.
He married 1926 Käthe Wihelmine Brader (1902-1970) from Hooksiel and had with her two sons: Diedrich Ferdinand HOBBIE (1927-2018) and Enno Johann HOBBIE (*1931).

C.12. f) Richard Johann Hermann HOBBIE, *11.07.1905 Popphuse, +29.01.1992 Bentstreek, farmer and carrier.
He married in 1932 in Edewecht Helene Christine Debring (1912-1972) from Nordedewecht and had with her three married children: two sons and one daughter.

C.12. g) Ernst Diedrich HOBBIE, *18.10.1909 Popphuse, +01.11.1973 Duisburg, iron turner and marine.
He married in 1935 in Varel Elly Hornig (1908-1982) from Kaplitz (Bohemia) and had with her three children: the twice married Lisa HOBBIE (1935-2007) who died in the USA, as well as another daughter and a son.

C.12. h) Ulrich ‚Bernhard‘ Hobbie, 09.07.1923 Popphuse, +28.03.2005 Schortens, retailer.
He married in 1951 in Jever Ursula Brandt (1930-2011) from Leubusch (Silesia) and had two children with her.

C.12. k) Diedrich Krien HOBBIE, *13.01.1905 Wüppels, +13.05.1985 Schmidtshörn, farmer.
He married Lucie Sophie Gesine Schmietenknop (1909-1986) from Schweiburg in St. Joost in 1930 and had three children with her: a son and two daughters.

C.12. m) Diedrich Carl HOBBIE, *08.08.1902 Obermeielgroden, +15,01.1976 Sanderbusch, farmer.
He married 1931 in Rodenkirchen Ida Bertha Auguste Ramien (1910-1976) from Alte Kanzlei and had with her two children: a daughter and a son.

C.12. n) Diedrich ‚Wilhelm‘ HOBBIE, *21.11.1908 Strakens, +14.08.1975 Sande, farmer.
He married in 1934 in Burhafe Almine Marie Ulrichs (1909-1973) from Warnsath and had with her 6 children: Thea Emma Adele HOBBIE (1935-2017), Else Sophie Johanne HOBBIE (1937-1983), Ernst Johann HOBBIE (1938-2011) and two further daughters and one further son.

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Further information, also on children not listed here, deceased or unmarried, as well as on other descendants after 1900, if known and (e.g. in the case of living persons) not protected, may be provided on request, see Contact.