Today, Potshausen is part of the municipality of Ostrhauderfehn in the East Frisian district of Leer. The oldest documented mention of Potshausen (Pophteshusen) can be found on December 8, 1409 in the arbitration award of the council messengers of the cities of Hamburg and Lüneburg in the disputes between Keno tom Brok on the one hand and Hisko von Emden, Enno von Norden and Haro Idzerdes on the other. Potshausen is said to have originally been situated on the northern side of the Leda river in today’s Jümmiger Hammrich. The rise of the water gradually forced the inhabitants to leave their homesteads and to move to higher areas (today’s location of the village). This is how the present Potshausen came into being.
The name „Hobby“ was first recorded in 1811 during the French administration of East Frisia in Potshausen. The distance to the neighbouring Oldenburg villages with families called „Hobby“ is about 14 km to Apen and about 18 km to Ocholt and Howiek.

The long-standing farm „Hobby“ in field 12 is still owned by the family in recent times and today bears the address „Potshauser Str. 42“. The following picture shows the situation in today’s world.
Before from 1811 after an order of the French administration to accept fixed family names, the family name „Hobby“ was accepted, the surname of the ancestors changed between „Eylers“ and „Hinrichs“ according to the patronymic naming in East Frieland. The first mention was the funeral entry of an Eylert EYLERS on 16 December 1693 in Potshausen. In 1645 already an Eylert EYLERS was named in Detern, 4.5 km away. He had probably moved with his wife and both sons from Detern to his wife Fraucke Focken’s father’s farm, since in the Stickhauser official invoice of 1732 a Glas FOCKER and before that Focke GLASSEN are named as previous owners.
According to oral tradition in these families, the ancestors are said to have come from Oldenburg. Thus there is a high probability that the required choice of a fixed family name did not accidentally fall on „Hobby“, but that the still handed down name of the Oldenburg ancestors was „revived“, where fixed family names had already become common since the 15th century. Thus the Potshausener could descend around 1600 from the families HOBBY in only approx. 14 km distant Apen, and/or in 18 km distant Howiek in the east neighbouring. The name Eylert or Eylers, which is also common there, underlines this assumption, but there is probably no longer any proof for it.
The families „HOBBY & HOBBING from Potshausen“ until around 1920
The spelling of the names mainly follows the baptismal registers and documents. The German names for farmers and farm hands are retained and are to be interpreted as follows:
„Hausmann“ = farmer with a long-established hereditary farm, one of the first settlers in a village,
„Landgebräucher“ = land user, farmer.
1. Eylert EYLERS, *around 1650, +16.12.1693 Potshausen, farmer.
According to „Ortssippenbuch“ (fmily genealogy book) for Potshausen he is the earliest documented ancestor of the families „HOBBY & HOBBING from Potshausen“. As mentioned, he was with high probability a descendant of the families „Hobby“ from the Oldenburg Howiek or Apen. He married around 1677 Fraucke Focken (*around 1655) and had two sons with her. Eylert EYLERS (1678-1759) became the farm heir. Focke EYLERS (1680-1703) died young in Potshausen on 24.02.1703.
2. Eylert EYLERS, *1678, +11.12.1759 Potshausen, farmer.
Because of the tax records he was called one of 6 „Halbhöfner“ (frmer on a smller estate), besides 15 owners of whole estates in Potshausen. In 1749 he was described as owner of half a stove and widower with 3 children, as well as „4 persons over 10 years old“ in his house. 1758 there Eylert Eylers, his son and a maid were listed. His age at death was indicated as 79, but presumably he was somewhat older.
He married Anke Janssen (1683-1741) around 1711 and had four children with her, at least two of whom reached adulthood and married. Johan EILERTS (1712-1739) died as a young man. For Eilert EILERTS (1715-1792) see 3.a). The remainder of Frauke EILERTS (*1717) is not known. For Hinrich EILERTS (1733-1783) see 3.b).
3. a) Eilert EILERTS, *15.03.1715 Potshausen, +16.05.1792 Auf der Schanze, Potshausen.
He married Antje Berends (1720-1896) from Amdorf, Detern, in Potshausen in 1749 and had 5 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood. Antje EILERTS (1750-1828) married the farmer Weyert Eggen (about 1730-1817) from Potshausen in 1774. Gesche EILERTS (1756-1823) married Frerich Eggen (1746-1805) in 1781. Further information about Fraucke EILERTS (about 1758-1791) is not known. For Eilert EILERTS (*1760) see A.4.a).
3. b) Hinrich EILERTS, *02.06.1733 Potshausen, +02.11.1783 ibid., Hausmann.
He married 1760 in Potshausen Syben Gerdes (1738-1815) from Alt-Bunderneuland and had with her 10 children, of which at least 5 reached adulthood. Antje HINRICHS (1762-1816) married in 1787 in Rhaude the loading master Jan Hinrichs (about 1756-1816) from Weenermoor and had with her four children. The marriage of Eilert HINRICHS (1764-1829) 1792 with Antje Jochems Löning (1761-1828) remained childless. Hinrich HINRICHS (1772-1859) took on the name Hinrich HOBBING in Bunderneuland from 1826 at the instigation of his son Remmer and is thus the first name bearer of the families „HOBBING from Potshausen“, see B.4). Further information about Johann HINRICHS (*1779) is not known. For Geerd HINRICHS (1781-1854) see A.4.b). For Hinrich EILERS (1784-1865) see A.4.c).

A) The families „HOBBY from Potshausen“.
A.4. a) Eilert EILERTS, *26.01.1760 Potshausen, Hausmann.
He married Hebe Martens (*ab 1763) from Boekzetelerfehn in Potshausen in 1786 and had 7 children with her, two of whom died as children. For the whereabouts of the other 5 investigations are still necessary: Eilert EILERTS (*1786), Frauke EILERTS (*1790), Marten EILERTS (*1795), Jan Berens EILERTS (*1797) and Hinderk EILERTS (*1800).
A.4. b) Geerd HINRICHS later HOBBY, *17.08.1781 Potshausen, +28.09.1854 Leihe, Potshausen, farmer, innkeeper and shoemaker.
He married Greetje Elsen (1791-1827) from Potshausen in 1807 and had 7 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood and married. According to an order of the French administration of 1811 to adopt fixed family names, this family again adopted the ancestral name „Hobby“ of the early Oldenburg ancestors. For Hinrich Eilers HINRICHS later HOBBY (1807-1896) see A.5.a). Fenna Gerdes HOBBY (*1811) married the baker Dirk Menssen Schnater (*1817) from Leer in Potshausen in 1854. Elso Gerdes HOBBY (1813-1894) married Talke Janssen Wallenstein (1830-1858) from Folmhusen in Potshausen in 1856, no living descendants. For Eilert Gerdes HOBBY (1815-1890) see A.5.b).
A.4. c) Hinrich EILERS later HOBBY, *04.05.1784 Potshausen, +16.02.1865 loan, Potshausen, farmer and Hausmann.
According to an order of the French administration of 1811 to accept fixed surnames, this family again adopted the ancestral name „Hobby“ of the early Oldenburg ancestors. In his first marriage in 1806 he married Gebke Harms (1782-1821) from Potshausen and had 5 children with her, three of whom reached adulthood and married. On Harm Heyen HINRICHS later HOBBY (1806-1885) see A.5.c). For Eilert Hinrichs HOBBY (1816-1899) see A.5.d). Anna Hinrichs HOBBY (1820-1902) married the farmer Cord Heyen Schulte (1817-1884) from Holte in Potshausen in 1846 and had at least one son with him.
He married Foelke Reiners Christians (1780-1867) in his second marriage around 1822 and had two sons with her, one of whom reached adulthood and married. For Reiner Hinrichs HOBBY (1825-1896) see A.5.e).
A.5. a) Hinrich Eilers HINRICHS later HOBBY, *31.10.1807 Potshausen, +10.10.1896 Holterbarge, farmer and skipper.
He married in 1833 in Steenfelde Greetje Janssen Ammermann (1812-1843) from there and had with her 6 children, four of whom reached adulthood and married. For Gerd Hinrichs HOBBY (1835-1875) see A.6.a). Gretje Hinrichs HOBBY (*1837) married the worker Brunke Brunke Schön (*1840) from Firrel in Potshausen in 1865, had two daughters with him and emigrated to the USA with his family after 1867. Johanna Hinrichs HOBBY (1840-1874) married in 1861 in Potshausen the Landgebräucher Peter Sebastian Detmers (1830-1891) from Leihe and had 7 children with him. Hinrich HOBBY (1842-1874) remained single. From 1871 to 1873 he took part in the United States North Polar Expedition, which ended unsuccessfully. It was led by Charles Francis Hall, who personally called Hinrich Hobby (Henry Hobby) into the team.
In his second marriage he married Foelke Harders (1815-1918) from Backemoor in 1845 and had two children with her. Elsche Maria HOBBY (1846-1913) married the skipper and captain Wilhelm Heyenga (1846-before 1878) in Potshausen in 1873 and had at least one son with him. Ulfert Harms HOBBY (1849-1866) died at sea falling out of the mast basket.
A.5. b) Eilert Gerdes HOBBY, *27.04.1815 Potshausen, +18.11.1890 Walshville Township, Montgomery County, IL, USA, Landgebräucher and farmer.
He married 1844 in Steenfelde Hilke Beenen Boeskohl (*1818) from there and had with her 6 children. With his wife and the three youngest children he arrived in Baltimore on 08.10.1866, coming with the ship „Laura“ from Bremen. On entry listed as „Eilert (51, farmer), Ludewike (47), Zamtie (11), Hilke (8) and Lina (6) Hobby“. At the US Federal Census 1880 on 10.06.1880 named as „Ailott“ with wife „Hilkah“ and two granddaughters „Hilkah“ and „Lena“ as neighbour of his eldest son Gerd in Walshville Township, Montgomery County, IL, USA. Marked on the gravestone as „Eilert Hobbie“. For Gerd HOBBY (*1844-after 1910) see A.6.b). Gretje HOBBY (*1846) and Antje HOBBY (*1848) arrived about 8 months after their parents on June 14, 1867 with the ship „Germania“ from Bremen in Baltimore and stated that they wanted to travel on to St. Louis. Siementje HOBBY (*1851), Hilke Venna HOBBY (*1854) and Bertha ‚Lena‘ HOBBY (*1859) emigrated together with their parents in 1866. Hilke married in 1870 in St. Louis Eduard Franklin (*about 1850) from Missouri, USA.
A.5. c) Harm Heyen HINRICHS later HOBBY, *25.10.1806 Potshausen, +23.08.1885 Westrhauderfehn, farmer.
He married in 1834 in Collinghorst Reenste Andreesen Hinders (1806-1867) from there and had 6 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood and married. For Hinrich Eilert HOBBY (1837-1917) see A.6.c). Bertedina ‚Foelkemina‘ HOBBY (1842-1899) married in 1867 in Collinghorst the carpenter Marten Niehaus (1840-1911) from Weener and had 5 children with him. For Andreas Hinrichs HOBBY (1844-1932) see A.6.d). For Geberhardt HOBBY (1847-1923) see A.6.e).
A.5. d) Eilert Hinrichs HOBBY, *16.07.1816 Potshausen, +05.03.1899 ibid., farmer and Hausmann.
He married Catharina Charlotte Detmers (1825-1899) from Holtland in Potshausen in 1849 and had three children with her. Gebkea HOBBY (1850-1938) married the farmer Johannes Kok (1833-1923) from Holte in Potshausen in 1879 and had 5 children with him. Christina Scheltjelina HOBBY (1852-1927) married the farmer Focke ‚Bernhard‘ Duhm (1848-1889) from Loga in Potshausen in 1880 and had a daughter with him. For Hinrich Eilers HOBBY (1855-1914) see A.6.f).
A.5. e) Reiner Hinrichs HOBBY, *13.05.1825 Potshausen, +05.11.1896 Leihe, Potshausen, Landgebräucher.
He married Hilkelina Wilhelmina Röben (1826-1866) from Idehörn in his first marriage in 1853 in Potshausen and had 5 children with her, of which three daughters reached adulthood and married. Foelke HOBBY (1860-1890) married her half cousin, the farmer, worker and coachman Geberhardt HOBBY (1847-1923) from Collinghorst in Potshausen in 1882 and had three children with him. Reenstina Hinrietta HOBBY (1862-1936) married Friedrich Houtjes (1857-1923), a carrier from Ihrhove, in Potshausen in 1889 and had 8 children with him. Hinrika HOBBY (*1865) married in Potshausen in 1889 the Hausmann Berend Hinrichs Böden (*1861) from Rinzeldorf and had 7 children with him.
His second marriage in Rhaude in 1868 with Trientje Weerts Griepenburg (1816-1907) from Holte remained childless.
A.6. a) Gerd Hinrichs HOBBY, *08.05.1835 loan, +10.02.1875 ibid., innkeeper, skipper, locksmith.
He married 1865 in Rhauderfehn Trientje Hagedorn (1839-1892) and had 5 children with her. Elso Hinrichs HOBBY (1866-1894) and Beelke Ubbina HOBBY (1867-1898) remained unmarried. Greetje Hinriette HOBBY (1869-1943) married in Potshausen in 1895 the farmer Bruno Menen Jürgens (1863-1932) from Schwerinsdorf and had 7 children with him. Catharina Gerhardine Hobby (1872-1954) married in Potshausen in 1894 the helmsman Wilhelm Hinrich Buse (1866-1944) from Westrhauderfehn and had four children with him. For Heinrich Johann HOBBY (1874-1954) see A.7.a).
A.6. b) Gerd HOBBY,*11.11.1844 Leihe, +nach 1910 Oklahoma, USA, farmer.
He probably emigrated to the USA before 1866, lived 1880 in Walshville Township, Montgomery County, IL, USA and on 19.05.1910 with family in River Township, Blaine County, OK, USA. Around 1875 he married Stina NN (*1855) who was born in Germany, and had at least two sons born in Illinois, USA. For Thomas HOBBY (*1876) see A.7.b) and for Eilert HOBBY (*1879) see A.7.c).
A.6. (c) Hinrich Eilert HOBBY, *29.08.1837 Collinghorst, +28.09.1917 Westrhauderfehn, farmer.
He married Lümke Janssen Drahtjer (1847-1913) from Glansdorf around 1874 and had 7 children with her, most of whom still lack information. Reenstelina Harmina HOBBY (1875-1925) died in Leer. Hilkea HOBBY (1877-1960) died in Westrhauderfehn. Harm Heyen HOBBY (1879-1959) died in Westrhauderfehn. Johann HOBBY (1881-1958) died in Leer. Hinrich Eilers HOBBY (1884-1915) died in Munsterlager. Louise Alberdine HOBBY (1887-1961) married the farmer Johann ‚Carl‘ Garwon (1887-1946) from Chwalin (Silesia) in Westrhauderfehn in 1925 and had at least one daughter with him. Regate HOBBY (1890-1974) died in Rhauderfehn.
A.6. d) Andreas Hinrichs HOBBY, *27.09.1844 Collinghorst, +05.05.1932 Hamburg, farmer.
He married Margarete Hinrika Geerts (1841-1915) from Bunde in 1877 in Wymeer and had three children with her. Around 1905 Reenstelina Harmina HOBBY (*1879) married the group leader Karl Wilhelm ‚Johannes‘ Kottsieper (*1880) from Wuppertal-Barmen. Warntjelina Tadduwea HOBBY (*1881) married around 1905 Paul Heinrich George (*1878) from Bunzlau (Silesia). For Harm Heyen HOBBY (1881-1917) see A.7.d).
A.6. e) Geberhardt HOBBY, *01.03.1847 Collinghorst, +25.02.1923 Addernhausen, farmer, worker, coachman.
He married in first marriage 1882 in Potshausen Foelke HOBBY (1860-1890), his half cousin from loan and had with her four children, of which only the daughter Hilkelina HOBBY (1887-1962) reached adulthood and around 1910 married the merchant Georg Fickert (1881-1961).
In 1891 he then married Nanny Mühring (1862-1910) from Mitling-Mark and had three children with her. For Hermann Reinhard HOBBY (1892-1983) see A.7.e). For Arnold HOBBY (1895-after 1968) see 7.f). Anna HOBBY (*1902) married Hinrich Schlenkermann (*around 1900) from Heisfelde around 1925.
A.6. f) Hinrich Eilers HOBBY, *02.09.1855 Potshausen, +17.04.1914 ibid., farmer.
He married Harmina Hilkelina Müller (1863-1928) from Potshausen in 1883 and had four sons with her, two of whom reached adulthood and married. For Eilrich Carl Otto HOBBY (1888-1954) see A.7.g). For Gottfried Conrad HOBBY (1890-1967) see A.7.h).
A.7. a) Heinrich Johann HOBBY, *19.01.1874 loan, +20.11.1954, railway conductor.
He married in 1900 in Oldenburg-Osternburg Gerhardine Helene Friederike Bruns (1877-1945) from Barssel, Potshausen and had 14 children with her, 10 of whom reached adulthood. For Georg Heinrich HOBBY (1900-1983) see A.7.h). For Siegfried Johann Ernst HOBBY (*1902) see A.7.k). For Bernhard Emil Johann HOBBY (1903-1945) see A.7.m). For Erich Adalbert Paul HOBBY (1904-1945) see A.7.n). Franz Otto Heinrich HOBBY (1909-1939) remained single. Gertrud HOBBY (1911-1988) married Walter Heidmann (1909-2001), a senior teacher, around 1935. Therese Betty Johanna HOBBY (1913-2004) married the dentist Hans Buddeberg (*1901) in Oldenburg in 1937 and had at least one son with him. For Friedrich ‚August‘ HOBBY (1915-2000) see A.7.o). Irmgard Amalie Emma HOBBY (*1917) married Alfred Cordes (*1916) from Oldenburg in 1943 and had at least one son with him. Elfriede Gretje Johanne HOBBY (*1919) married Herbert Scharfenberg (*around 1915) in 1943.
A.7. b) Thomas HOBBY, *1876 Illinois, USA.
Further information is not yet known.
A.7. c) Eilert HOBBY, *1879 Illinois, USA.
Further information is not yet known.
A.7. d) Harm Heyen HOBBY, *04.01.1881 Ditzum, +16.04.1917 Flanders, Belgium, farmer.
He married Anna Nuers (*1886) around 1912 and had three sons with him. Hermann HOBBY (1913-1942) was born in Brokstedt (Schleswig-Holstein) and fell in Russia. Werner HOBBY (1915-um 2002) was also born in Brokstredt and died in Hitzhusen, district Segeberg. Arthur HOBBY (*1916) was born in Hitzhusen.
A.7. e) Hermann Reinhard HOBBY, *23.08.1892 Weenermoor, +28.02.1983 Schortens, farmer.
Around 1915 he married Marie ‚Wilhelmine‘ Oltmanns (around 1893-1937) and had four children with her in Addernhausen, among them Hermann Gerhard HOBBY (1915-1965), Nanny Gerda HOBBY (1919-1967) and Arnold Helmerich HOBBY (1924-1945).
A.7 f) Arnold HOBBY,*16.01.1895 Weenermoor, +after 1968, magazine worker.
He married Frieda Eiben (*around 1900) around 1920.
A.7. g) Eilrich Carl Otto HOBBY, *05.03.1888 Potshausen, +14.10.1954, government inspector.
He has intensively dealt with and published genealogical research of these families „HOBBY from Potshausen“. He married Wilhelmine Ernestine Müller (1899-1978) from Logumer Vorwerk in 1920 in Emden-Larrelt and had two daughters with her. Hilde Margarete HOBBY (1921-1989) married Christel Dammeyer (1914-1999) around 1945. Grete Wilhelmine HOBBY (1931-2011) married around 1955 NN Alting (*around 1925).
A.7. h) Gottfried Conrad HOBBY, *17.04.1890 Potshausen, +01.09.1967, farmer.
He married around 1919 NN (*around 1895) and had with her a son and a daughter.
A.7. h) Georg Heinrich HOBBY, *02.12.1900 Oldenburg-Osternburg, +July 1983 Munich, judicial officer and chief inspector of military justice.
He married in 1926 Rosa Klara ‚Anna‘ Müller (1904-1992) from Rauenstein, district Sonneberg and had with her three sons and one daughter.
A.7. k) Siegfried Johann Ernst HOBBY, *09.01.1902 Oldenburg-Osternburg, driver.
He was married twice: around 1930 with Erna Borgwardt (*1905) from Niepars, district Franzburg and 1949 with Gertraut Horst (*around 1920). Further information is not yet known.
A.7. m) Bernhard Emil Johann HOBBY, *27.07.1903 Oldenburg, +1945, pension claimant and chief paymaster.
He married Marianne Lehmann (*1909) around 1930.
A.7. n) Erich Adalbert Paul HOBBY, *24.10.1904 Oldenburg-Osternburg, +12.04.1945 Deggendorf, salesman.
He married Talke Focken (*1908) from Friedeburg around 1927 and had three children with her.
A.7. o) Friedrich ‚August‘ HOBBY, *12.06.1915 Westerstede, +16.01.2000 Oldenburg, soldier and railway electrician.
He married Gerda Maria Anna Antonie Richter (1914-1990) from Dresden in his first marriage in 1938 and had two sons and a daughter with her. The second marriage in 1954 with Hedwig Fährmann (1920- about 1997) remained childless.
B) The families „HOBBING from Potshausen“
B.4. Hinrich HINRICHS later HOBBING, *16.10.1772 Potshausen, +05.02.1859 Alt-Bunderneuland, Landgebräucher, worker.
From 1826 at the latest, at the instigation of his student son Remmer, the family name „Hobbing“ is adopted, accordingly he is the first bearer of this name. He married 1799 in Bunde Wüpke Martens (1773-1860) from Tichelwarf, municipality Weener, became worker and land user in Bunderneuland and had with her 7 children, of which 6 reached adulthood. He wrote Hindrikus HINDRIKS at the baptisms of the children. Siebentje Hinderikus HINDRIKS later HOBBING (1799-1855) married in 1824 in Bunde the school teacher and organ player Eppe Lübben Terborg (1799-1866) from Oldendorp and had 7 children with him in Eilsum. Marten Hinderikus HINDRIKS later HOBBING (1803-1861) remained unmarried, died in Bunderneuland and could be the one who arrived on 27.07.1847 as „M. Hobbing“ with the ship „Albertine“ from Antwerp in New York. Hinderk Hinderikus HINDRIKS later HOBBING (1804-1827) remained single. For Remmer Hinderikus HINDRIKS later HOBBING (1806-1865) see B.5). Geertruida Hinderikus HINDRIKS later HOBBING (1813-1845) was christened HINDRIKS according to the baptismal register, but the French civil administration registered her birth under the name „HOPPIE“. In 1837 she married in 1837 in Bunde the widowed land user Aalderk Ebbens Groeneveld (1807-1866) from Bunderneuland and had four children with him. Eildert Hinderikus HINDRIKS later HOBBING (1817-1850) became a merchant in Bunde, his short marriage in 1846 with Grietina Hendrika Klugkist (1819- after 1850) from there remained childless.
B.5. Remmer Hinderikus HINDRIKS later HOBBING, *28.11.1806 Bunderneuland, +12.08.1865 Norden, schoolteacher, sexton, organ player .
It was he who, as a prospective teacher, arranged for his family to adopt the surname „Hobbing“ by 1826 at the latest. His relatives in Potshausen had adopted the name of their ancestors, „Hobby“, after the decree of the French administration issued in 1811. After this determination fell asleep again in East Frisia after the end of French rule in 1814, Knig Georg IV. from Hanover made this Napoleonic law for a fixed ancestral name in 1826 also the Hanoverian law. In this context the educated Remmer might have decided for the earliest form of the name „Hobbing“ documented in Oldenburg.
He was first a teacher’s assistant, then a teacher in Dünebroek, in 1826 in Critzum and since 1830 in Greetsiel, where he was also a sexton and organist. He died on his way to the spa on Norderney. He married Geelkelina Hinrika Meyer (1816-1869) from Greetsiel in 1836 and had 11 children with her, 8 of whom reached adulthood. For Hinricus Hinrich Knottnerus HOBBING (1837-1883) see B.6.a). Johanna Catharina HOBBING (1839-1924) married the teacher Freerk Hinderks Ross (*1847) from Canum in Greetsiel in 1872 and had three sons with him. Martin Heinrich HOBBING (1842-1908) was a teacher, conductor, music director and piano teacher and died single in Bremen. For Johann Heinrich HOBBING (1847-1929) see B.6.b). Wüpkea Gertruda HOBBING (1849-1925) married in 1895 in Varel the technician and engineer Johann Hinderikus Diederichs (*1830) from Greetsiel. For Peter Eilart Cornelius HOBBING (1851-1931) see B.6.c). For Eilert ‚Heinrich‘ HOBBING (1854-1917) see B.6.d). Antje Cornelia HOBBING (1856-1885) died young and single. On Ubbo Gerhard HOBBING (1859-1932) see B.6.e).
B.6. a) Hinricus Hinrich Knottnerus HOBBING, *19.07.1837 Greetsiel, +29.11.1883 Emden, upper secondary school teacher.
On 15.04.1859 he passed the Matura in Aurich, on 28.05.1864 the teacher examination in Göttingen, from Easter 1864 to Easter 1865 he was assistant teacher and extraordinary member of the pedagogical seminar in Göttingen, afterwards teacher in Emden, from 01.10.1875 senior teacher. He married 1870 in Emden Anna ‚Alide‘ Heidelberg (1842-1914) from Norden and had three children with her. Engelbert HOBBING (1872-1937) was born 20.09.1872 in Emden, died 1937 in Berlin, became a merchant, married in 1900 in Porto Alegre, Brazil Alice Becker (*1882) from there and had with her three daughters born in Porto Alegre: Alide HOBBING (*1901), Gela Henriette HOBBING (1902-1945) and Frisia Alice HOBBING (1907-1943), the latter two of whom died in Berlin. For Reimar Johannes Martin HOBBING (1874-1919) see B.7.a). Henriette Lina HOBBING (1877-1956) married in 1900 in Borkum the hotel owner Willem Dirks Bakker (1876-1963), born there, and had two sons with him.
B.6. b) Johann Heinrich HOBBING, *01.05.1847 Greetsiel, +15.11.1929, senior teacher, cantor, grammar school professor.
Around 1886 he married Anna Sophie Marie Friederike Krüger (1861-1939) and had four children with her, most of them born in Norden. For Friedrich ‚Reimar‘ HOBBING (1887-1969) see B.7.b). Mathilde Gela HOBBING (1888-1965) married Richard Färber (*around 1885) in 1910 in Norden and had at least one daughter with him. For Martin Eduard HOBBING (1889-1926) see B.7.c). Hans Heinrich HOBBING (1891-1914) fell at Rudniki (Oppeln).
B.6. c) Peter Eilart Cornelius HOBBING, *29.09.1851 Greetsiel, +04.03.1931 Berlin-Steglitz, bookseller and publisher.
He married 1882 in Neustadt an der Orla Marie ‚Martha‘ Schulze (1861-1945) from there and had 5 children with her. Gela HOBBING (1884-1925) was born in Leipzig, was first a nurse, later a teacher, travelled at least twice to Boston, USA and died single in Bremerhaven.
For Karl Martin Johann ‚Reimar‘ HOBBING (1886-1961) see B.7.d). For Georg HOBBING (1888-1966) see B.7.e). Around 1926 Gertrud HOBBING (1896-1971) married Alfred Fellgiebel (1889-1966) from Niederschönbronn, district Laub and had 5 children with him. For Eilart HOBBING (1899-1943) see B.7.f).
B.6. d) Eilert ‚Heinrich‘ HOBBING, *07.03.1854 Greetsiel, +13.09.1917, opera singer.
He hired 1870 as a ship boy on the ship „Laura“ with destination New York and arrived 1896 again with the ship „Trave“ in New York. He married Justine Barbara Caroline Rose (1863-1944) in Munich in 1888 and had two children with her. Hermann HOBBING (1889-1968) married around 1920 Gunda Betz (*1898), the marriage remained childless. Margarethe Johanne Babette HOBBING (1898-1974) married around 1935 Albert Heuss (*around 1895) and had at least one daughter with him.
B.6. e) Ubbo Gerhard HOBBING, *22.07.1859 Greetsiel, +23.02.1932 Salzuflen, theologian, pastor, superintendent.
He married 1886 in Göttingen Emilia Anna Auguste Bertheau (1862-1939) from there and had with her 7 children of whom one son died at the age of 5 years. Gela Klara Franziska Frieda HOBBING (1888-1962) married Johann ‚Heinrich‘ Landwehr (1881-1969) from Albringhausen, municipalityBassum in Halle a. d. Saale in 1911 and had three children with him. Gertrud HOBBING (1893-1956) married in 1922 in Delitzsch (Saxony) the merchant Ernst Basedow from Stadtroda and had two daughters with him. Almuth Maria Else Beate HOBBING (1896-1965) married the chemist Erich Arnold Wernicke (1896-1964) from Halle a. d. Saale in Delitzsch (Saxony) in 1922 and had four sons with him. For Menso Wilhelm Otto Martin HOBBING (1898-1943) see B.7.g). For Reimar HOBBING (1903-1985) see B.7.h). For Kurt Johannes Julius Friedrich ‚Edzard‘ HOBBING (1904-1944) see B.7.k).
B.7. a) Reimar Johannes Martin HOBBING, *05.04.1874 Emden, +14.12.1919 Berlin, publisher.
Around 1906 he married Maria Buresch (1879-1978) from Leipzig and had three children with her, she died in Heidelberg. For Reimar Henrikus Engelbert HOBBING (1908-1942) see B.8.a). For Edzart HOBBING (1909-1974) see B.8.b). Eva HOBBING (1912-1985) became a medical doctor, remained childless and died in Heidelberg.
B.7. b) Friedrich ‚Reimar‘ HOBBING, *12.07.1887 Nienburg a. d. Weser, +July 1969 Reading, Berks County, PA, USA, Lieutenant of the Reserve, Office Manager.
He married in 1919 in Berlin Herta Luise Olga Schlag (1884-1967) from Hamburg and had with her two sons. For Enno R. HOBBING (1920-1995) see B.8.c). For Reimar HOBBING (1924-2001) see B.8.d). He arrived with his wife and both sons with the ship „Columbus“ from Bremen on 16.04.1927 in New York and later worked in Philadelphia.
B.7. c) Martin Eduard HOBBING, *26.09.1889 North, +Jan. 1926 Langenberg, Gem. Velbert, medical doctor.
He married Irmgard Langenbeck (*about 1895) in his first marriage around 1925 and had a son with her. From the second marriage with NN Isemann (*around 1900) no children are known so far.
B.7. d) Karl Martin Johann ‚Reimar‘ HOBBING, *15.02.1886 Leizig-Lindenau, +29.09.1961 Berlin-Steglitz, bookseller.
He married Marie Berta Emma Anna Dansmann (1889-1966) in 1920 in Berlin and had two sons with her: Reimar HOBBING (1922-1943) and Dieter HOBBING (*1923).
B.7. e) Georg HOBBING, *10.11.1888 Leizig-Lindenau, +05.12.1966, library officer.
He married Erna Zilz (*around 1890) in his first marriage around 1818 and had three children with her, all born in Berlin and later married: Eva HOBBING (*1920), the telecommunications engineer Hans-Werner HOBBING (1921-1967) and Renate HOBBING (*1924). His second marriage around 1941 with Margot Tosch (around 1895- after 1974) remained childless.
B.7. f) Eilart HOBBING, *19.04.1899 Stuttgart, +19.09.1943, veterinarian and veterinary officer.
He married Meta Laute (around 1900-1945) around 1930 and had a son and two daughters with her.
B.7. g) Menso Wilhelm Otto Martin HOBBING, *29.03.1898 Salzuflen, +15.07.1943 Russia, graduate farmer.
He married 1928 in Halle a. d. Saale Ilse Minna Sophie Vorländer (1895-1953) from there and had with her two sons and one daughter.
B.7. h) Reimar HOBBING, *25.04.1903 Salzuflen, +16.03.1985 Bad Füssing, Head of Office.
He married Erna Behm (1901-1987) from Schleswig in Hameln in 1930 and had a son with her.
B.7. k) Kurt Johannes Julius Friedrich ‚Edzard‘ HOBBING, *19.11.1904 Halle a. d. Saale, +12.09.1944 Darmstadt, editor.
He married in 1938 in Magdeburg Herta Hedwig Brusch (1916-1944) from Halberstadt and had with her two daughters. The whole family died in a bombing raid.
B.8. a) Reimar Henrikus Engelbert HOBBING, *21.04.1908 Berlin-Wilmersdorf, +12.07.1942 Russia, Reich employee, sergeant of the reserve.
He married around 1937 Haise-Lotte Elsbeth Nischant (*around 1910) from Wiesbaden and had with her two sons and one daughter.
B.8. b) Edzard HOBBING, *14.05.1909 Berlin, +25.05.1974 Heidelberg, sculptor.
Around 1946 he married Lisa Hampe (1914-2007) and had with her two sons and one daughter. In 1934 he was registered as a sculptor in Berlin-Wilmersdorf and after 1945 he worked in the building works of the Heiliggeistkirche in Heidelberg.
B.8. c) Enno R. HOBBING, *12.07.1920 Berlin, +04.07.1995 Washington, DC, USA, Carpenter, bridge builder.
He arrived in New York with his parents and brother on the ship „Columbus“ on 16.04.1927, attended Reading High School in Pennsylvania in 1936, married Mary Bingham (1916-1992) around 1941 and had four children with her.
B.8. d) Reimar HOBBING, *14.09.1924 Berlin, +16.05.2001 Binghamton, Broome County, NY, USA.
He arrived in New York with his parents and brother on the ship „Columbus“ on 16.04.1927, married Janet L Kurtz (1927-1989) around 1950 and had three children with her.
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Further information, also on children not listed here, deceased and unmarried, as well as on other descendants after 1900, if known and (e.g. in the case of living persons) not protected, may be provided on request, see Contact.