The line HOBBIEJANSSEN of the families „HOBBIE from Torsholt“ until around 1920
The name HOBBIEJANSSEN originated from the Ammerland custom of giving the first-born son the first name of his grandfather as a rule, occasionally of his father instead. Accordingly, the two sons of Dirk HOBBY (1636-1691), the heir son Dierk HOBBY (1672-1746) and his younger brother Johan HOBBY (1682-1754) each wanted to name their first-born sons after their father. Therefore Dierk HOBBY (1717-1803), the son of Johan, was called Dierk HOBBY-JANSSEN to keep them apart in the village. Thus Johann HOBBY (1682-1754) was the namesake and his son Dierk HOBBY-JANSSEN (1717-1803) the first ancestor of the families „HOBBIEJANSSEN from Torsholt“.
For the top ancestors of this line, Gerdt HOBBING (about 1540 before 1617), see „Torsholt„.
The situation of the two farms „Hobbie“ and „Hobbiejanßen“ in Torsholt around 1793 and in today’s situation are shown in the following two pictures.

Thus Johann HOBBY (1682-1754), the 5th generation in relation to the Torsholt ancestor Gerdt HOBBING (around 1540-before 1617), became the eponym of the ancestral line „HOBBIEJANSSEN from Torsholt“.
The spelling of the names mainly follows the baptismal registers and documents. The German names for farmers and farm hands are retained and are to be interpreted as follows:
„Hausmann“ = farmer with a long-established hereditary farm, first settlers in a village,
„Köter“ = farmer with a smaller, later founded farm,
„Halbköter, Viertelköter“ = Köter with less land,
„Brinksitzer“ = small farmer on the outskirts of the village,
„Anbauer“ = farmer on newly cultivated land,
„Grundheuermann“ = farm hand with own house on non-inherent land,
„Heuermann, Heuerling“ = farm hand without own house,
„Häusling“ = person without own house,
„Dienstknecht, Knecht“ = farm hand.
5. Johan HOBBY, *18.01.1682 Torsholt, +26.02.1754 ibid., Heuermann.
He in 1714 brought a multi-door cupboard with shed pilasters into the first, short marriage with Hille Scholly (1684-1715) from Torsholt (according vto OGF data services, wedding furniture, entry S067). She died in childbed with her son Dierk HOBBY (1715-1715).
In second marriage he married 1716 Wübke Claus Gerdes (*1696). Her probably only son Dierk HOBBY (1717-1803) was named „Hobby-Janßen“ to distinguish him from his Torsholt cousin and heir to the family house of the same name and thus he became the first bearer of the name „HOBBIEJANSSEN“.
6. Dierk HOBBY named HOBBY-JANSSEN, *08.10.1717 Torsholt, +26.06.1803 Seggern, Heuermann and Brinksitzer.
He married 1750 Gesche Margarethe Kröhmer (1721-1799) from Westerstede and had with her four children, of which three reached adulthood and married. Johann HOBBY-JANSSEN (1751-1787) was the farm heir, see 7.a). For Friedrich HOBBY-JANSSEN (1753-1825) see 7.b). Wübke Margarethe HOBBY-JANSSEN (1761-1837) married in 1777 the Heuermann and Brinksitzer Johan Zimmermann (1754-1817) from Seggern and had three children with him there.
7. a) Johann HOBBY-JANSSEN, *06.06.1751 Torsholt, +02.02.1787 ibid., Grundheuermann and Brinksitzer.
In 1779 he married Anna Catharine Schmidt (1757-1832) from Gießelhorst and had three children with her, two of whom reached adulthood and married. Gesche Margarethe HOBBY-JANSSEN (1780-1851) married 1806 in Zwischenahn the Köter Eilerd Stamereilers (1779-1853) from Elmendorf and had with him three children. Dierk HOBBY-JANSSEN (1783-1848) was the farm heir, see 8.a).
7. b) Friedrich HOBBY-JANSSEN, *12.08.1753 Torsholt, +18.12.1825 ebd., Köter and Brinksitzer.
He married Helene Schröers (1754-1836) from Torsholt in 1775 and had four children with her, two of whom reached adulthood and married. For Dierk HOBBY-JANSSEN (1782-1865) see 8.b). Helene HOBBY-JANSSEN (1784-1851) married the Hausmann Friedrich Hissy (1768-1833) from Torsholt in 1802 and had three children with him.
8. a) Dierk HOBBY-JANSSEN, *04.01.1783 Torsholt, +04.03.1848 ibid., Grundheuermann, Brinksitzer and Köter.
He wrote himself from marriage 1811 with Gesche Margarethe Claus (1789-1844) „Hobbiejanßen“ and had with her 11 children, of which 10 reached adulthood and married. Anna Cathrine HOBBIEJANSSEN (1811-1859) married the widowed Heuermann Diedrich Heinje (1798-1859) from Edewecht in Zwischenahn in 1839, lived with him in Aschhausen and had four children. Helene HOBBIEJANSSEN (1813-1843) married Johann Friedrich Janßen (1812-1885) from Mansie in 1840 and had a son Johann Janssen (1841-1939) with him in the short marriage. Johann Diedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1815-1879) was the farm heir, see 9.a). Gesche Margarethe HOBBIEJANSSEN (1817-1853) married the Heuermann and Brinksitzer Johann Friedrich Fickenfrers (1798-1852) from Lindern in the first marriage in 1847 and had a daughter with him, in the second marriage the Vietelköter Gerd Rastedt (1820-1864) from Westerloy. Anna HOBBIEJANSSEN (1820-1890) married the widowed Hausmann Johann Diedrich Gerken (1790-1874) from Torsholt in 1843 and had two daughters with him. For Friederich HOBBIEJANSSEN (*1822) see 9.b). For Gerd Diedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1827-1873) see 9.c). For Hermann HOBBIEJANSSEN (1830-1887) see 9.d). Renke HOBBIEJANSSEN (1830-1871) and twin to Hermann married Anna Maria Müller (1835-1871) in Oldenburg in 1864, worked there as a shoemaker, and had a son who died as a child. Lücke Sophie HOBBENJANSSEN (*1834) married in 1856 in Westerstede the Anbauer Heinrich Janßen-Harms (*1828) from Ohrwegerfeld. Both were born with 5 children in Linswege, Varel and Zwischenahn before emigrating to Nebraska, USA with the three youngest children in 1891. The older Gerhard Janßen-Harms had already emigrated to New York City in 1883 as a ship’s boy.
8. b) Dierk HOBBY-JANSSEN, *22.03.1782 Torsholt, +01.12.1865 Hamburg-Altona, Grundheuermann and Köter.
In 1811 he married Anna ‚Margarethe‘ Stamer (1794-1849) from Torsholt and had 5 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood and married. Helene HOBBIEJANSSEN (1814-1845) married in 1836 in Westerstede the Halbköter and blacksmith Gerd Ahlers (1802-1853) from Willbrok and had at least three children with him in Torsholt. Friedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1820-1866) died single. Anna Margarethe Marie HOBBIEJANSSEN (1823-1897) married Johann Friedrich Schwengels (1817-1862) from Mansie in 1851. For David HOBBIEJANSSEN (1826-1903) see 9.e).
9. a) Johann Diedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *25.01.1815 Torsholt, +17.09.1879 ibid., Grundheuermann, Viertelköter and innkeeper.
He married 1844 in Westerstede Catharine Wefer (1814-1886) from Oldenburg-Tweelbäke and had with her five children, of which the four sons reached adulthood and married. Diederich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1845-1926) was the farm heir, see 10.a). For Hinrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1847-1920) see 10.b). For Friedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1849-1909) see 10.c). For Johann HOBBIEJANSSEN (1851-1921) see 10.d).
9. b) Friederich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *25.04.1822 Torsholt ,+ in Verden (Aller), tailor.
He settled in Verden (Aller) as a tailor, married there about 1851 Anna Catherina Grethen (*about 1827), and had with her three daughters. Amalie Dorothea HOBBIEJANSSEN (1851-1938) married around 1875 Johann Hinrich Corssen (around 1837-1927) and lived with him in Bremen-Osterholz. Regine ‚Amalie‘ HOBBIEJANSSEN (1852-1940) lived as „Amalie Hobbijantzen“ from 1910 at the latest as a seamstress in Bremen and probably remained single. Friederike Wilhelmine HOBBIEJANSSEN (1855-1941) married Heinrich Wilhelm August Immor (1840-1916) around 1880 and lived in Bremen.
9. c) Gerd Diedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *26.09.1827 Torsholt, +09.05.1873 Hüllstederdiele, Viertelköter.
He married Anna Wallmann (1832-1874) from Hüllstederdiele in 1857 and had 6 children with her there, of whom two daughters reached adulthood and married. Gesche Margarethe HOBBIEJANSSEN (1858-1898) married Eilert Rohlfs (1855-1927) from Westerloy, a Heuermann and Viertelköter, in 1887 and had 5 children with him. Anna Sophie HOBBIEJANSSEN (1860-1931) married the Heuermann and Köter Ernst Friedrich Kahlen (1857-1909) from Brockhofe in Zwischenahn in 1887 and had five children with him.
9. d) Hermann HOBBIEJANSSEN, *01.04.1830 Torsholt, +07.05.1887 Oldenburg, cigar maker, railway worker, worker.
He married 1865 in Oldenburg Dorothea Catharina Baade (1837-1897) from Ekern, was there 1867 cigar maker, from 1874 worker first at the railway, from 1877 in the Klävemannsstift and had 5 children with his wife, of which four reached adulthood and married. For Wilhelm Heinrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (*1866) see 10.e). Katharine Hermine Elise HOBBIEJANSSEN (*1867) married the typesetter Anton Karl August Meyer (*1865) from Varel in Oldenburg in 1889. For Johann Heinrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1874-1966) see 10.f). Anna HOBBIEJANSSEN (1877-1963) married Johannes Alex Eissing (1873-before 1963), a locomotive driver’s assistant from Papenburg, in Oldenburg in 1898.
9. e) David HOBBIEJANSSEN, *03.05.1826 Torsholt, +31.01.1903 Hamburg-Altona, worker, lantern lighter.
He married 1852 in Westerstede Catharine Margarethe Oltmanns (1833-1865) from Rostruperfeld and had 5 children with her, of which at least three daughters reached adulthood. Anna Margarete HOBBIEJANSSEN (1853- after 1902), born in Torsholt, emigrated to the USA after 1866, married as „Anna Hobbiejanszen“ in first marriage probably in 1871 in New Orleans, LA, USA the „Private Watchman“ Antonino Chifalo (1845-before 1901) and had with him there four children. 1901 she married Chester B. Smith (1844-1902) there in second marriage. Marie HOBBIEJANSSEN (*1855), born in Hamburg-Mellingstedt, emigrated as a single at the age of 27 from Hamburg on 23.08.1882 to America with the ship „Wieland“ in the intermediate deck and arrived in New York on 07.09.1882 as „Marie Hobbiejanszen“. Her whereabouts are not known yet. Elisabeth HOBBIEJANSSEN (*1857) lived in 1860 in Lemsahl near Hamburg, and was also named at the funeral of her mother, her whereabouts unknown afterwards. Catharine Margaretha ‚Johanne‘ HOBBIEJANSSEN (1862-1951), born in Hamburg-Altona, emigrated on 13.05.1885 with the ship „Westphalia“ from Hamburg to America and arrived as „Joh. Hobbiczanzen“ on 25.05.1885 in New York. In 1885 she married Carl Georg Adolf Buhbe (1856-1900) from Hamburg in the USA and had with him at least one son John E. Bube (1886-1961). As widow, living in Hamburg, she travelled again with the ship „Deutschland“ on 23.05.1935 to New York. She died in Hamburg under the name „Hobbijanssen“.
10. a) Diederich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *04.07.1845 Torsholt, +11.10.1926 ibid., Viertelköter and innkeeper.
He married 1880 Helene Sophie Achtermann (1855-1929) from Felde and had with her 6 children, of which five reached adulthood and married. Anna Catharine HOBBIEJANSSEN (1881-1952) married in 1905 the innkeeper and lease holder Johann ‚Georg‘ Thyen (*1880) from Halstrup and had with him a son born in Südedewecht. The first-born son Johann Diedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1887-1947) was farm heir, see 11.a). Helene Johanne HOBBIEJANSSEN (1889-1949) married the blacksmith Gerhard Janßen-Harms (1885-1969) from Südedewecht in Edewecht in 1912. For Heinrich ‚Wilhelm‘ HOBBIEJANSSEN (1891-1979) see 11.b). Martha Elise Elise HOBBIEJANSSEN (1897-1935) had a daughter Henny Helene HOBBIEJANSSEN (1919-1994) in 1919, who married Peter Schäfer (*around 1915) around 1940. Martha married the farmer Diedrich Hempen (1856-1936) from Felde in 1924, with whom she had two children.
10. b.) Hinrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *09.03.1847 Torsholt, +01.03.1920 Howiek, Heuermann and farmer.
In 1876 he married Anna Elise Sophie Oltmanns (1854-1931) from Torsholt and had four children with her, two of whom reached adulthood and married. Marie Catharine HOBBIEJANSSEN (1876-1905) married the postman Hermann Bernhard Bulling (*1874) from Maibusch in Oldenburg in 1901 and had a son with him. On Heinrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1880-1961) see 11.c).
10. c) Friedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *35.03.1849 Torsholt, +04.05.1909 Oldenburg, Viertelköter and turner.
He married Helene Gertjejanßen (1853-1899) from Mansie in 1878 and had four sons with her. Johann HOBBIEJANSSEN (1879-1959) was a police officer and municipal employee, married Johanne Margarethe Helene Janßen (1884-1935) from Aurich in the first marriage in 1919, Helene Höstje (1901-1967) from Kreyenkamp in the second marriage in 1939, both marriages remained childless. Georg HOBBIEJANSSEN (1881-1916) was a farmer, married Anna Catharine Meyerjürgens (1870-1951) widowed Dierks in 1916 and died three months later in World War I, this marriage also remained childless. For Friedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1884-1957) see 11.d). For August HOBBIEJANSSEN (1890-1945) see 11.e).
10. d) Johann HOBBIEJANSSEN, *09.08.1851 Torsholt, +21.10.1921 Wennigsen (Deister), factory worker and carpenter.
He married in 1886 in Zwischenahn Helene Marie Louise Fischer (1850-1903) widowed Schwarting from Zwischenahn and had a daughter with her. Henriette Elise HOBBIEJANSSEN (1887-1960) married the merchant Ludwig Seemann (1879-1947) in Wennigsen in 1909 and had a son with him.
10. e) Wilhelm Heinrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *04.03.1866 Oldenburg, carpenter.
He married 1901 in Oldenburg Martha Clara Marie Elise Henriette Ebert (*1873) from there and had with her a son. The whereabouts of Heinrich Karl HOBBIEJANSSEN (*1902) are not yet known.
10. f) Johann Heinrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *12.11.1874 Oldenburg-Eversten, +03.03.1966, Varel, switch-keeper and stationmaster.
In his first marriage in 1902 he married Elise Catharine Bredehorn (1878-1936) from Collstede and had two children with her. For Johann ‚Herbert‘ HOBBIEJANSSEN (1903-1985) see 11. f). Artur Wilhelm HOBBIEJANSSEN (1906-1984) became a merchant and married Margarete Katharine Frerichs (1901-1978) from Wilhelmshaven in 1934.
11. a) Johann Diedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *04.04.1887 Torsholt, +07.05.1947 ibid., farmer and innkeeper.
He married Margarete Lüttmann (1889-1953) in Zwischenahn in 1912 and had two sons with her, the first of whom died as a baby. For Wilhelm Friedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1914-1940) see 12.a).
b) Heinrich ‚Wilhelm‘ HOBBIEJANSSEN, *23.09.1891 Torsholt, +10.02.1979 Petersgroden, estate manager, farmer.
He married in 1920 in Bockhorn Johanne Hinrichs (1894-1989) from Moorwinkelsdamm. They had two sons. For Werner Diedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1921-1986) see 12.b). For Hans Heinrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1922-1989) see 12.c).
c) Heinrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *21.12.1880 Howiek, +23.09.1961 ibid., farmer.
He married Meta Dierks (1883-1975) from Torsholt in 1909 and had four children with her. Erna Marie Luise HOBBIEJANSSEN (1910-1982) married the driver Gustav Diedrich Hemmieoltmanns (1909-2001) in 1949. Herta Johanne HOBBIEJANSSEN (1912-1991) married baker Heinrich Wilhelm Lüerssen (1908-1982) from Lindern in 1937 and had two children with him. For Johann Hinrich HOBBIEJANSSEN (1913-1965) see 12.d). Frieda Mariechen HOBBIEJANSSEN (1920-2015) married the carpenter Rudolf Georg Hellwig (1919-1984) from Westerloy in 1945 and had three children with him.
11. d) Friedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *12.07.1884 Torsholt, +30.04.1957 Hamburg, innkeeper.
He married Marie Peters (1890-1981) from Nordloh in Westerstede in 1919 and had two children with her.
11. e) August HOBBIEJANSSEN, *13.01.1890 Torsholt, +16.03.1945 Westerstede, farmer.
In 1919 he married Helene ‚Marie‘ Wilken (1892-1949) from Hüllstederdiele and had at least two children with her. For Johann ‚Friedrich‘ HOBBIEJANSSEN (1921-2007) see 12.e). Marianne Helene HOBBIEJANSSEN (1923-2005) married the civil engineering worker Diedrich ‚Hans‘ von Seggern (1926-1991) from Kayhausen in 1953 and had at least one daughter with him.
11. f) Johann ‚Herbert‘ HOBBIEJANSSEN, *04.10.1903 Stickhausen-Velde, +28.07.1985 Bremen, stationmaster, innkeeper, messenger.
He married Franziska Luise Gesine Imwolde (1907-1990) from Heisfelde in his first marriage in 1929 in Loga and had two children with her. In his second marriage he married Anette Folkers (1921-1982) in 1955 and had a daughter with her.
12. a) Wilhelm Friedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *13.05.1914 Torsholt, +09.06.1940 France, farmer and innkeeper.
He married in 1938 in Westerstede Alma Marie Siemen (1914-1988) from Westerholtsfelde and had two children with her.
12. b) Werner Diedrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *08.02.1921 Conneforde, +07.09.1986 Petersgroden, farmer.
He married in 1954 in Stedesorf Erna Tjarks (1924-1996) from Esens and had three children with her.
12. c) Hans Heinrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *22.10.1922 Conneforde, +30.07.1989 Zetel, merchant.
He married Karola Marie Elise Niemeyer (*1930) from Rallenbüschen in Varel in 1952 and had two sons with her.
12. d) Johann Hinrich HOBBIEJANSSEN, *13.07.1913 Howiek, +31.12.1965 Varel, farmer.
He married in 1950 in Westerstede Martha Wordtmann (1917-1980) from Edewecht and had with her at least one son.
12. e) Johann ‚Friedrich‘ HOBBIEJANSSEN, *08.03.1921 Torsholt, +13.08.2007 ibid., farmer.
He married Margarete Helms (1925-2014) from Rostrup in 1950 and had at least one son with her.
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This composition of the descendants of the Torsholt families HOBBIE and HOBBIEJANSSEN was also possible thanks to the research of Günter Hobbiejanssen, Torsholt.
Further information, also to here not specified, deceased and unmarried remained children as well as to further descendants after 1900 can be communicated, if known and (e.g. in the case of living persons) not data-protected, on request if necessary, see contact.