The line HOBBIEBRUNKEN of the families „HOBBIE aus Hollwege“ until around 1920
The name HOBBIEBRUNKEN originated after the local custom of the Ammerland, because all sons preferred to give their first-born sons the name of their father or grandfather. Dierk Hobby, also called „Dirk“, „Dirich“ or „Dietrich“, was born around 1600 and died of the plague in 1666.. His first son Dirk (*1635) as heir to the family home named his eldest son Dirk. The second son Brunke (*1644) also wanted to baptize his first-born son in the name of his father „Dirk Hobby“. For the differentiation he received according to local custom the name addition „Brunke“, attached to the first name, so that he was called Dirk Hobbybrunken from now on. So he became – the 8th generation starting from Hanneke HOBBING (*around 1400) as the top ancestor of the families „Hobbie aus Hollwege“ – the founder of the until today very widespread line HOBBIEBRUNKEN, which has its origin in the neighbouring Moorburg, which lies 2 km north northwest of Hollwege and 4.5 km northwest of Westerstede.

The spelling of the names mainly follows the baptismal registers and documents. The German names for farmers and farm hands are retained and are to be interpreted as follows:
„Hausmann“ = farmer with a long-established hereditary farm, first settlers in a village,
„Köter“ = farmer with a smaller, later founded farm,
„Halbköter, Viertelköter“ = Köter with less land,
„Brinksitzer“ = small farmer on the outskirts of the village,
„Anbauer“ = farmer on newly cultivated land,
„Grundheuermann“ = farm hand with own house on non-inherent land,
„Heuermann, Heuerling“ = farm hand without own house,
„Häusling“ = person without own house,
„Dienstknecht, Knecht“ = farm hand.
8. Brunke HOBBY, *29.02.1644 Hollwege, +09.04.1716 ibid., Köter.
He married in first marriage 1668 in Westerstede Gebke Grossmann (about 1647-1680) and had with her a son Brunke who died immediately after his birth. He married in second marriage 1681 Trine Wilken (1653-1729) from Halstrup and had with her at least one son Dirk HOBBY named HOBBYBRUNKEN (1682-1740).
9. Dirk HOBBY named HOBBYBRUNKEN, *05.02.1682 Hollwege, +11.01.1740 Moorburg, Köter.
He married 1713 Wübke Fierkens (1688-1764) from Halsbek and had with her 7 children, of which at least three reached adulthood and married. For Brunke HOBBYBRUNKEN (1714-1788) see 10.a). For Dierk HOBBYBRUNKEN (1717-1789) see 10.b). Johann Henrich HOBBYBRUNKEN (1723-1774) married around 1746 Gesche Warntjen (1717-1788) from Westerloy and had with her 7 children, of whom only three daughters grew up and married: Wübke Margarethe HOBBYBRUNKEN (1749-1816) married in 1771 the inhabitant Meine Meinen (1743- 1826) from Hollwege; Gesche HOBBYBRUNKEN (1752-1830) married in 1776 the Vietelköter Oltmann Gertje-Janßen (1747-1828) from Linswege; Talke Margarethe HOBBYBRUNKEN (1759-1819) married the Viertelköter Johann Bohlken (1758-1816) from Halsbek in 1785.
10. a) Brunke HOBBYBRUNKEN, *29.03.1714 Moorburg, +19.12.1788 ibid., Heuermann.
He married 1742 Gesche Margarete Kruse (1712-1783) from Felde and had 5 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood and married. Wübke Sophia HOBBYBRUNKEN (1743-1798) married in 1766 Ötje Eilers also Eilers-Restehusen (1736-1805) from Hollwege. Helena HOBBYBRUNKEN (1745-1823) married the Köter Gerd Schnupper (1749-1819) from Moorburg in 1774 and had at least one daughter with him. Grete HOBBYBRUNKEN (1753-1800) married the Heuermann Tönjes Ebken (1750-1799) from Hollwege in 1775 and had two children with him. For Johann HOBBYBRUNKEN (1759-1809) see 11.a).
10. b) Dierk HOBBYBRUNKEN, *01.11.1717 Moorburg, +12.12.1789 ibid., Heuerling.
He married in first marriage 1741 Gebke Diers (1717-1760) from Westerloy and had with her 6 children, of which three reached adulthood and married. Wübke Margarethe HOBBYBRUNKEN (1742-1798) married Meine Süsens (1743-1810) from Moorburg in 1770 and had four children with him. For Dierk HOBBYBRUNKEN (1745-1803) see 11.b). For Brunke HOBBYBRUNKEN (1749-1829) see 11.c).
He married in second marriage 1762 Anna Sophie Hellwig (1735-1809) from Burgforde and had three children with her, of which only Johann ‚Diedrich‘ HOBBYBRUNKEN (1779-1826) reached adulthood and married 1813 Gesche Margarethe Frers (1790-1867) from Halstrup. Of their two daughters, only Anna Margarethe HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1814-1863) reached adulthood and married in first marriage 1836 the KöterJohann Ebken (1814-1849), in second marriage 1852 the Viertelköter Renke Bohlken (1803-1860) from Halstrup.
The following Oldenburg Vogteikarte shows in the scale 1 : 20.000 the first home of the Hobbiebrunken families and the settlement of Moorburg at this time.

11. a) Johann HOBBYBRUNKEN, *27.09.1759 Moorburg, +02.12.1809 ibid., Viertelköter.
He married Gebke Margarete Abels (1760-1843) in 1783 and had 7 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood and married. Wübke Margarete HOBBYBRUNKEN (1792-1832) married the blacksmith Johann Friedrich Meilahn (1783-1837) from Hollwege in 1820 and had four children with him. For Johann Friedrich HOBBYBRUNKEN (1794-1853) see 12.a). Gebke ‚Lene‘ HOBBYBRUNKEN (1797-1878) married the widowed woodcutter Johann Diederich Peters (1795-1868) from Mansie in 1827 and had two children with him. For Brunke HOBBYBRUNKEN (1799-1856) see 12.b).
11. b) Dierk HOBBYBRUNKEN, *18.09.1745 Moorburg, +14.07.1803 ibid., Brinksitzer.
He married Almuth Margarethe Brunken (1756-1786) from Moorburg in his first marriage in 1773 and had four children with her, two of whom reached adulthood and married. For Johann Diedrich HOBBYBRUNKEN (1776-1838) see 12.c). Anna Sophie HOBBYBRUNKEN (1780-1842) married the Heuermann Johann Friedrich Wallmann (1779-1843) from Linswege in 1805.
From his second marriage 1786 with Anna Bohlen (1761-1846) from Garnholt no children are known.
11. c) Brunke HOBBYBRUNKEN, *02.05.1749 Moorburg, 26.03.1829 ibid., Heuerling.
He married Talke Claus (1752-1815) from Torsholt in 1777 and had three children with her, at least two of whom reached adulthood and married. Gebke Margarethe HOBBYBRUNKEN (1778-1828) married Gerd Diedrich Vohlken (1779-1844) from Hollwege in 1804 and had at least one daughter with him. For Eilerd HOBBYBRUNKEN (1789-1851) see 12.d).
12. a) Johann Friedrich HOBBYBRUNKEN, *31.10.1794 Moorburg, +17.12.1853 ibid.,Viertelköter.
He married Gebke Rohlfs (1805-1840) from Westerloy in his first marriage in 1827 and had 7 children with her, three of whom reached adulthood and married. For Johann Diederich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1828-1868) see 13.a). For Johann Friederich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1834-1911) see 13.b). Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1840), a surviving twin, probably arrived in New York on 01.06.1866 as „Lina Hobibrunken, gentleman’s servant, 25“ with the ship „Freihandel“.
In second marriage he married 1843 Wübke Margarethe Gundelah (1811-1883) from Linswege, with whom he had the daughter Gebke Margarethe HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1843-1865).
12. b) Brunke HOBBYBRUNKEN, *17.12.1799 Moorburg, +04.03.1856 Halstrup, Heuermann.
He married 1826 Anna Sophie Renken (1794-1849) from Hollwege and had with her two sons. For Johann Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1829-1882) see 13.c). Diederich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1835-1903) was Heuermann in Halsbek and remained single..
12. c) Johann Diedrich HOBBYBRUNKEN, *10.05.1776 Moorburg, +18.05.1838 New England, Viertelköter.
He married Anna Catharine Abels (1770-1838) in Westerstede in 1800 and had four children with her, three of whom reached adulthood and married. For Johann Friederich HOBBY-BRUNKEN (1802-1868) see 13.d). For Johann ‚Christian‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1805-1853) see 13.e). For Gerd Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1812-1871) see 13f).
12. d) Eilerd HOBBYBRUNKEN *22.01.1789 Moorburg, +05.09.1851 ibid., Viertelköter.
He married 1814 in Westerstede Almuth ‚Elisabeth‘ Ötjen (1793-1875) from Burgfelde and had 5 children with her, of which at least four married. Talke Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1816-1869) married in 1843 the Heuermann Gerd Meier (1812-1887) from Halstrup. Gerd Diedrich Hobbiebrunken (1817-1849) remained single. Anna Margarethe HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1820-1891) married the Heuermann and carpenter Friedrich Gerhard Steinkamp (1823-1894) in 1854 and had at least two children with him. Gesche Sophie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1822-1889) had at least one illegitimate daughter Anne Sophie Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1858-1928), who married in 1886 the Anbauer Friedrich Siems (*1856) from Halsbek. For Johann Gerhard HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1826-1887) see 13.g).
13. a) Johann Diederich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *31.03.1828 Moorburg, +08.02.1868 ibid., Viertelköter.
He married Talke Helene Hollander (*1831) in 1861 and had three sons with her. For Johann ‚Friedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1862-1931) see 14.a). For Johann ‚Diedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1864-1940) see 14.b). For Johann HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1865-1941) see 14.c).
13. b) Johann Friederich Hobbiebrunken, *21.08.1834 Moorburg, +03.09.1911 Westerstederfeld, farmer.
He married Helene Elisabeth Harms (1844-1873) from Westerstederfeld in his first marriage in 1867 and had three children with her, of whom Johann Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1869-1933) reached adulthood, see 14.d).
In his second marriage in 1874 with Anna Siems (1845-1892) from Hollwege he had four children, two of whom reached adulthood and married. For Johann Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1875-1958) see 14.e). For Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1884-1952) see 14.f).
13. c) Johann Friederich HOBBIEBRUNKEN , *30.01.1829 Hollwege, +09.01.1882 Ocholt, Heuermann.
He married Anna Güldener (1834-1878) from Westerloy in 1858 and had four children with her, three of whom reached adulthood. Anna Sophie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1859-1926) became a seamstress and remained single. For Brunke Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1861-1939) see 14.g). Helene Margarethe HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1865) married in 1887 Gerd Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1861-1905) from Moorburg, her 4th cousin, and had 5 children with him.
13. d) Johann Friederich HOBBY-BRUNKEN, 03.05.1802 Hollwege, +16.10.1868 Neuengland, Viertelköter.
In 1828 he married Anna ‚Margarethe‘ Dorothea Frers (1806-1868) from Gießelhorst and had three children with her. Johann Diederich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1829-1878) married Talke Helene Kruse (1839-1868) from Hollwege in his first marriage in 1861, whose three children died in childhood, and Wübke Margarethe Wemmie (1841-1924) in his second, childless marriage in 1869. For Johann HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1832-1898) see 14.h). Anna Catharine HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1836-1889) married Johann Friedrich Frers (1828- 1902) from Eggelogerfeld in 1861 and had four children with him.
13. e) Johann ‚Christian‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *16.06.1805 New England, +23.01.1853 Halsbek, Anbauer.
He married Talke Helene Logemann (1802-1841) from Halsbek in his first marriage in 1834 and had four children with her, of whom two daughters reached adulthood and married. Anna Catharine HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1834-1914) married the Heuermann Gerd Bohemann (1830-1881) from Langebrügge in Westerstede in 1858 and had 6 children with him. Gesche Margarete HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1836 before 1868) married the Heuermann Johann Diedrich Henkensiefken (1827-1905) from New England in 1860 and had four children with him.
In his second marriage he married Wübke Sophie Meinen (1812-1855) from Halstrup in 1842 and also had four children with her, three of whom reached adulthood and married: For Gerd Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1844-1904) see 14.k). Wübke Sophie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1848) married Gerd Ahlers (*1848) from Zwischenahn in Westerstede in 1873. For Johann Christian HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1851-1932) see 14.m).
13. f) Gerd Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *03.01.1812 New England, +01.01.1871 ibid., Heuermann.
He married Anna Marie Logemann (1808-1846) in his first marriage in 1841 and had two children with her. Anna Catharine HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1841-1905) married Johann Ferdinand Bredehorn (1846-1904) from Halsbek in 1870 and had four children with him. Johann Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1844-1923) married Anna Sophie Scheper (1853-1927) from Hollwege in 1876 and had with her two married daughters Lena ‚Marie‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1877) and Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1880-1959).
In his second marriage he married Wübke Helene Ehlers (1818-1905) from Hüllstede in 1847 and had 5 children with her, two of whom reached adulthood and married. For Gerd Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1850-1905) see 14.n). On Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1852-1914) see 14.o).
13. g) Johann Gerhard HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *26.09.1826 Moorburg, +06.08.1887 ibid., Viertelköter and Anbauer.
He married 1856 Gesche Margarethe Henkensiefken (1826-1882) from Halsbek and had with her 6 children, of which at least three married. Anna Elisabeth HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1857-1937) married in 1886 in Zwischenahn the farmer Friedrich Bruns (1861-1917) from Petersfehn and had with him at least one son. For Gerd Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1861-1905) see 14.p). Johanne ‚Sophie‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1868-1942) married Joseph Neumayr in Bremen in 1898 (about 1865-before 1942) and had with him at least one son.
14. a) Johann ‚Friedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *20.08.1862 Moorburg, +29.09.1931 Hollwege, farmer.
He married Anna Catharine Warns (1869-1956) from Jaderberg in Westerstede in 1890 and had three children with her: On Johann Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1891-1977) see 15.a), Anna Helene Catharine HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1893-1978) married Hermann Heinrich Meinen (1887-1926) from Petersfeld in 1919. For Johann ‚Georg‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1896-1979) see 15.b).
14. b) Johann ‚Diedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *16.01.1864 Moorburg, +17.08.1940 Hollwegerfeld, farmer.
He married 1890 Helene Brunken (1865-1953) from Westerloy and had with her 6 children: For Johann ‚Diedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1890-1918) see 15.c). Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1892-1975) married the Dienstknecht Georg Hinrich Kruse (1891-before 1975) from Garnholterdamm in 1914.
Anna Sophie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1894) married the farmer Fritz Christoph Timmermann (*1893) from Linswege in 1921. For Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1897-1963) see 15.d). Meta HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1901) married the farmer Johann Eilers (*1899) from Garnholterdamm in 1922. Marie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1904-1979) married in 1927 the farmer Gerhard ‚Diedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1904-1972), her nephew of grade 6, and had three children with him.
14. c) Johann HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *29.12.1865 Moorburg, +12.11.1941 Jaderaußendeich, farmer.
In 1891 in Jade he married Hinrike Rebecka Caroline Vägel (1868-1934) from Harrierwurp and had three children with her, two of whom reached adulthood. Helene Gerhardine HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1892) married the farmer Karl Johann Hinrich Neumann (*1895) from Schweiburg in Jade in 1921 and had three children with him. Anna Johanne Marie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1895-1967) remained single.
14. d) Johann Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN,*21.02.1869 Westerstederfeld, +14.09.1933 ibid., farmer.
He married Anna Maria Schnitker (1872-1959) from Hollwegerfeld in 1893 and had 8 children with her. Anna ‚Helene‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1894-1926) and Johann Friedrich HOBIEBRUNKEN (1896-1922) remained single. Johanne Sophie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1898-1971) married Johann Hermann Wilken (1897- after 1971) in 1924. For Friedrich ‚Wilhelm‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1900-1977) see 15.e). Anna ‚Luise‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1902-1957) remained single. For Georg HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1906-1965) see 15.f). Frieda HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1908) died – presumably single – in Varel. On Hermann HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1913-1976) see 15.g).
14. e) Johann Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *15.03.1875 Westerstederfeld, +27.01.1958 Halstrup, farmer and cartwright.
He married Hanni Carstens (1879-1953) from Jührdenerfeld in 1899 and had 7 children with her, of which at least 6 reached adulthood: Anna (Marie Friederike) HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1899-1957) married in 1921 in Westerstede the roadkeeper Johann ‚Jacob‘ Scharre (1893-before 1957) and had with him at least one son. For Johann Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1901-1978) see 15.h). Helene Johanne HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1903-1928) died single. On Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1906-1946) see 15.k). Marie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1908-1991) married Gerhard Hermann Heinje (1903 before 1991) from Westerstederfeld in 1928 and had at least one son with him. Hanna HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1920-1995) married NN Deeken (*around 1915) around 1945 and had at least one daughter with him.
14. f) Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *25.11.1884 Westerstederfeld, +27.01.1952 Hollwege, worker and farmer.
He married Anna Leonhard (1885-1946) from Felde in his first marriage in 1907 and had three children with her: on Johann ‚Friedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1907-1980) see 15.m). The whereabouts of Anna Sophie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1911) and Johann Gustav HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1920) are not yet known.
In his second marriage he married Johanne Marie Helene Addicks (1898-1975) from Jade in 1948.
14. g) Brunke Friederich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *20.11.1861 Ocholt, +20.01.1939 Willbroksmoor, Köter.
He married 1899 Gesche Margarethe Sander (1867-1935) from Garnholterdamm and had with her 5 children, of which two reached adulthood and married. For Johann HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1904-1945) see 15.n). Anna Catharine HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1906-1978) married 1934 Georg Dierks (1901-before 1978) from Rostruperfeld.
14. h) Johann HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *18.04.1832 Neuengland, +24.04.1898 Eggeloge, Viertelköter.
He married 1858 Anna Henschen (1836-1890) from Eggeloge and had with her 6 children, of which 5 reached adulthood and married: Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1860-1939) married Johann Friedrich Warntjen (1855-1888) from Mansie in 1883. Marie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1862-1930) married the carpenter Hinrich Gerhard Fischer (1856-after 1930) from Linswege in 1885. For Georg Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1864-1935) see 15.o). On Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1869-1953) see 15.p). For Johann HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1875) see 15.q).
14. k) Gerd Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *03.02.1844 Neuengland, +18.03.1904 Halsbek, Anbauer.
He married in first marriage 1869 in Zwischenahn Lena Anna Elisabeth Bohemann (1839-1873) from Langebrügge and had with her two sons who died as a child.
His second marriage in 1874 with her younger sister Gebke Margarethe Bohemann (1841-1892) remained childless.
In his third marriage with Anna Margarete Grönjes (1851-1930) from Linswege in 1893 he had two children. Marie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1892-1979) married Johann Friedrich Hupens (*1886) from Hollwege in 1912. Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1894-1917) die in WW I.
14. m) Johann Christian HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *04.06.1851 Halsbek, +08.04.1932 Westerstede, Köter, worker.
He married Elise Oltmanns (1851-1932) from Mansie in 1878 and had four children with her, three of whom reached adulthood and married: For Johann ‚Friedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1880-1965) see 15.r). In 1908 Sophie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1885-1974) married the farmer and shoemaker Hermann Christian Siefken (1882-1944) from Dänikhorst in Zwischenahn. Wilhelm HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1889-1966) married Sophie Else Heinen (1885-1970) from Gießelhorst in 1913.
14. n) Gerd Diederich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *14.01.1850 Neuengland, +02.01.1905 ibid., Anbauer.
He married Hilke Anna Brandt (1861-1890) from Meinersfehn in 1881 and had 5 children with her, four of whom reached adulthood and married: For Gerd Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1882-1961) see 15.s). On Johann Gerhard (1884-1954) see 15.t). Helene Wilhelmine HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1886-um Oct. 1959) married Johann ‚Friedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1880-1965) from Mansie, her second cousin, in 1907 and had four children with him. For Hinrich August HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1888-1966) see 15.u).
14. o) Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *20.01.1852 Neuengland, +27.06.1914 ibid., Anbauer.
He married Anna Eilers (1853-1939) from Neuengland in 1875 and had 7 children with her, at least 5 of whom reached adulthood and married. Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1875) was slightly wounded in the 1st World War 1916, further to him is not known so far. For Johann HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1877-1975) see 15.v). Helene Margarete HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1883-1967) married the farmer Johann Hinrich Renken (1876-1949) from Moorwinkelsdamm in Bockhorn in 1904 and had 6 children with him. Anna Marie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1886-1974) married the farmer Anton Ohmstede (*1884) from Grabstederfeld in Bockhorn in 1907. On Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1888-1967) see 15.w). For Georg HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1891-1985) see 15.x).
14. p) Gerd Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *09.06.1861 Moorburg, +28.03.1905 ibid., Viertelköter, Anbauer.
In 1887 he married Helene Margarethe HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1865) from Ocholt, his cousin of the 4th degree, and had 5 children with her, one of whom died immediately after birth. Anna Margarethe HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1888-1963) married the farmer Diedrich Gerhard Höpker (1894-before 1963) from Aschhauserfeld in Zwischenahn in 1919 and had at least one son with him. Georg Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1890-1916) died in WW I. Marie Sophie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1894-1959) married the farmer Georg Bruns (1896- after 1959) from Westerloy in 1921. Nothing else is known yet about the carpenter Johann Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1900-1969), who died in Westerstede.
15. a) Johann Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, +25.04.1891 Hollwege, +30.03.1977 ibid., farmer.
He married Johanne Sophie Schnupper (1890-1974) from Moorburg in 1914 and had four children with her. Anna Marie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1914-2000) married Friedrich Köster (*around 1910) around 1940 and had four children with him. Johann ‚Friedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1918-1944) died in WW II two months after his marriage in 1944 to Anna Marie Helene Bohlken (1920-2008). Georg Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1921-2012) married Elfriede Ehlers (1921-2015) in 1953 and had two children with her. Johannes „Hans“ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1926-1993) married in 1946 Hanna Helene Brunken (1925-2018) from Obenstrohe and had four sons with her.
15. b) Johann ‚Georg‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, 31.12.1896 Hollwege, +13.02.1979, farmer.
He married Anna Sophie Bruns (1900-1962) from Westerstederfeld in 1922 and had at least three children with her.
15. c) Johann ‚Diedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *20.07.1890 Hollwegerfeld, +17.07.1918 France, farmer.
He married Marie Helene Borchers (1892-1985) from Fikensolterfeld in 1914 and had three daughters with her, two of whom reached adulthood and married. Martha Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1915-1996) married Heinrich Dunekarke (1913-1998) in Westerstede in 1939. Marianne HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1917-2013) had an illegitimate daughter Renate HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1940-1969), married the security guard Johann Köster (1910-1963) from Grabstederfeld in 1943 and had two children with him.
15. d) Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *29.04.1897 Hollwegerfeld, +27.11.1963 Westerstede, farmer.
He married Johanne Martens (1893-1976) from Mansie in 1921 and had four children with her.
15. e) Friedrich ‚Wilhelm‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *12.12.1900 Westerstederfeld, +14.04.1977 ibid., farmer.
He married Anna ‚Helene‘ Buhr (1907-1978) from Westerloy in 1935 and had at least one son with her.
15. f) Georg HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *17.04.1906 Westerstederfeld, +05.08.1965 Westerstede, saddler and wallpaper hanger.
He married Elise Sophie Hienen (1910-1983) in 1947 and had at least one daughter with her.
15. g) Hermann HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *03.09.1913 Westerstederfeld, +around March 1976 Oldenburg, administrative employee.
Around 1948 he married Alma Büntjen (1924-2018) and had at least two children with her.
15. h) Johann Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *06.05.1901 Westerstederfeld, +11.10.1978 Halstrup, farmer.
He married Elisabeth Flora Marschner (1903-1979) from Kleinrügeln (Saxony) in Westerstede in 1928 and had two children with her.
15. k) Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *12.07.1906 Halstrup, +17.01.1946 Ukraine, woodworker, building contractor.
He married Helene Marie Bohlken (1909-1964) from Gießelhorst in 1931, had three children with her and fell in second World War.
15. m) Johann ‚Friedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *25.08.1907 Hollwege, +26.06.1980 Bremen, car electrician.
1932 in Bremen he married Martha Helene HOBBIESIEFKEN (*1909) from Hüllstede and had at least one son with her.
15. n) Johann HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *31.08.1904 Willbroksmoor, +1945 Czech Republic, farmer.
1935 he married Marie Schröder (1904-1951), had at least one son with her and was missed shortly before the end of second World War.
15. o) Georg Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *20.11.1864 Eggeloge, +25.03.1935, Westerstede, farmer.
He married Helene Elisabeth Wandscher (1863-1916) from Wiefelstede-Lehe in Westerstede in 1890 and had 8 children with her, 7 of whom reached adulthood: For Johann Gerhard HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1891-1975) see 16.a). Anna Elisabeth HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1893-1961) married the farmer Georg Friedrich zur Brügge (1894-1950) from Ekern in Westerstede in 1914 and had 5 children with him. Marie Elise HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1895-1971) married the farmer Georg HOBBENSIEFKEN (1895-1973) in Bockhorn in 1922 and had four children with him. Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1898-1990) married the carpenter Gerhard Diedrich Oeltjen (1894-1990) in 1923 and had at least two children with him. Georg Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1900-1943) apparently remained single. On Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1903-1983) see 16.b). For Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1905) see 16.c).
15. p) Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *22.02.1869 Eggeloge, +16.10.1953 Garnholterdamm, farmer and tailor.
In 1890 he married Anna Helene Margarethe Frers (1868-1942) from Linswege and had 6 children with her, only two of whom reached adulthood and married. Anna Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1892) married the farmer Hermann Diedrich Harms (*1893) from Garnholterdamm in 1918. For Gerhard ‚Diedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1904-1972) see 16.d).
15. q) Johann HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *06.02.1875 Eggeloge.
He married in 1906 in Varel Johanne Elise Stiefs (*1881) from Steinhausen and had with her at least one daughter, Erna Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1907).
15. r) Johann ‚Friedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *05.03.1880 Mansie, +29.07.1965 Petersfehn, carpenter.
In 1907 he married Helene Wilhelmine HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1886-um1959), his second cousin, and had four children with her: Johann Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1908-1942), Friedrich Wilhelm HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1910-1944), Anna Elise HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1911-1979) and Else Marie Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1922-2005).
15. s) Gerd Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *04.04.1882 Neuengland, +15.02.1961 ibid., farmer.
He married 1907 in Westerstede Gretje Ehmen Caspers (1879-1945) from Meinersfehn and had with her 8 children, of which at least 6 reached adulthood: Emil Gerhard ‚Diedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1908-1967), Hilde ‚Anna‘ Marie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1909), Johanne Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1910-1996), Emma Gretchen HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1912-1981), Ernst Johann Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1914-2000) and Martha Gerhardine HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1917).
15. t) Johann Gerhard HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *11.05.1884 Neuengland, +12.04.1954 Westerstede, Heuermann.
He married Marie Sophie Alberts (1887-1962) from Jührdenerfeld in 1907 and had 9 children with her, at least 7 of whom reached adulthood and married: Anna Helene HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1909-1975), Gerhard HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1911-1957), Fritz Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1913-1945), Johann HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1917-1941), Otto HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1920-2011), Marga HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1923-2015) and Ernst Georg HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1927-2002).
15. u) Heinrich August „Henry“ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *08.05.1888 Neuengland, +Dec. 1966, Iowa Falls, Hardin County, IA,USA, farmer.
He emigrated to Iowa before 1917, first worked as a farm worker for Mrs. F. Gerdes, married Ida F. Hagen (1894-1985) in 1917 and had at least four children with her: Alvin D. HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1918-1994), Werner H. HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1922-2011), Helen MAE HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1927-2014) and Henry Donald HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1935-2005).
15. v) Johann Hobbiebrunken, *15.01.1877 Neuengland, +24.03.1975 Westerstede, farmer.
He married Anna Marie Henkensiefken (1880-1945) from Halsbek in 1901 and had 11 children with her, 9 of whom reached adulthood and married. Helene Margarete HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1901-1993) married the farmer Johann Diedrich HOBBIESIEFKEN (1895-1929) from Torsholt in 1926 and had two daughters with him. On Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1902-1975) see 16.e). For Johann HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1905-1978) see 16.f). Anna Marie HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1906-2007) married Friedrich Hots (1903-before 2007) from Petersfeld in 1929 and had at least three children with him. . For Georg Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1907) see 16.g). On Johann Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1909-1972) see 16.h). For Gerhard ‚August‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1911-1992) see 16.k). For Gerhard ‚Wilhelm‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1913-Aug. 1963) see 16.m). Marie Johanne HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1916-1990) married Gerhard Schmidt (1917-1966) 1945 in Apen.
15. w) Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *27.03.1888 Neuengland, +13.09.1967 ibid., farmer.
He married Elise Margarete Eilers (1891-1972) from Willbroksmoor in Zwischenahn in 1911 and had four children with her.
15. x) Georg HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *04.02.1891 New England, +28.04.1985 Westerstede, Heuermann.
He married in 1923 in Bockhorn Martha Gesche Anna Thomssen (1901-1997) from Nortmoor and had two children with her.
16. a) Johann Gerhard HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *16.01.1891 Eggeloge, +18.03.1975 ibid., farmer.
He married Anna Marie Rädecker (1893-1970) from Hollen in Westerstede in 1922 and had four sons with her: Georg Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1923-2003), Fritz HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1924-2018), Erich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1927-1993) and Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN (1936-2017).
16. b) Heinrich „Henry“ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *15.02.1903 Eggeloge, +26.04.1983 Grants Pass, Josephine County, OR, USA.
He married 1929 in Chicago Vera Margaret Overbeck (1910-2001) from Rockwell, Cerro Gordo County, IA, USA and had two children with her.
16. c) Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *11.01.1905 Eggeloge, +vor 1998, farmer.
He married Martha Elise Heitmann (1905-1998) from Garnholterdamm in 1928 and had 6 children with her.
16. d) Gerhard ‚Diedrich‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *30.07.1904 Westerloy, +10.01.1972 Westerstede, farmer.
In 1927 he married Marie Hobbiebrunken (1904-1979), his 6th-grade aunt, and had three children with her.
16. e) Heinrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *13.10.1902 Neuengland, +28.02.1975 Westerstede, farmer.
He married in 1931 in Westerstede Anna Sophie ‚Helene‘ Schellstede (1903-1985) from Ohmstede and had with her two children.
16. f) Johann HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *19.01.1905 Neuengland, +08.03.1978 Ihausen, farmer.
He married 1929 in Bockhorn Alma Helene Klusmann (1904-1947) and had with her at least one son.
16. g) Georg „George“ Diedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *01.09.1907 Neuengland, +05.01.1955 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, farmer.
He had arrived on 20.04.1929 with the ship „Stuttgart“ in Halifax and lived 1938 as a Canadian citizen in Freemont, Saskatchewan. He travelled to Germany in the first half of 1938. In Freemont, Saskatchewan he married Adrienne LeMoel (1915-1982) in 1948 and had two children with her: Andrew J. HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1943) and Anne HOBBIEBRUNKEN (*1949).
16. h) Johann Friedrich HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *24.05.1909 Neuengland, +08.05.1972 Dänikhorst, farmer.
He married Bertha Pülscher (1908-1988) from Nordlohermoor in 1934 and had two children with her.
16. k) Gerhard ‚August‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *14.06.1911 Neuengland, +22.02.1992 ibid., farmer.
He married Anna Lohmeyer (1912-1979) in Westerstede in 1944 and had two sons with her.
16. m) Gerhard ‚Wilhelm‘ HOBBIEBRUNKEN, *09.07.1913 Neuengland, +Aug. 1963 Oldenburg, farmer.
He married 1950 in Westerstede Alma Hollje (1917-2012) and had with her 5 children.
The above picture shows three early settlement sites of the families „Hobbiebrunken“ in Moorburg. Today the HOBBIEBRUNKEN families settle in almost all villages of the municipality of Westerstede and beyond in the Jade and Varel area, from around 1910 also in America.
Further information, also on children not mentioned here, deceased and single can be provided on request, if known and (e.g. in the case of living persons) not data-protected, if necessary, see Contact.