
The name HOBBIEGERDES is derived from the Ammerland custom of giving the first-born son the first name of his grandfather, or occasionally also of his father. Thus the first-born son of the farm heir Reincke HOBBING (around 1500-around 1560), the heir Johan HOBBIE (around 1530-around 1605) had his first-born son baptized again on the name Reincke HOBBEIE (around 1560-around 1620). His younger brother Gerd HOBBIE (around 1550-around 1580) also wanted to call his first son, born around 1580, „Renke Hobbie“. For differentiation he called him Renke HOBBIEGERDES (around 1580-around 1670), in the sense of „Renke, Hobbie’s Gerd son“. Thus Gerd HOBBIE (around 1550-around 1580) was the namesake and his son Renke HOBBIEGERDES (around 1580-around 1670) the first ancestor of the families „HOBBIEGERDES from Zetel“.

For the top ancestors of this ancestral line, Reincke HOBBING (around 1500-before 1550) see „Zetel„.

The line HOBBIEGERDES of the families „HOBBIE from Zetel“.

The spelling of the names mainly follows the baptismal registers and documents. The German names for farmers and farm hands are retained and are to be interpreted as follows:
„Hausmann“ = farmer with a long-established hereditary farm, first settlers in a village,
„Köter“ = farmer with a smaller, later founded farm,
„Halbköter, Viertelköter“ = Köter with less land,
„Brinksitzer“ = small farmer on the outskirts of the village,
„Anbauer“ = farmer on newly cultivated land,
„Grundheuermann“ = farm hand with own house on non-inherent land,
„Heuermann, Heuerling“ = farm hand without own house,
„Häusling“ = person without own house,
„Dienstknecht, Knecht“ = farm hand.

2. Gerd HOBBIE, *around 1550 Zetel, +around 1580, Köter.
This third son of Reincke HOBBING (around 1500-around 1560) is not documented yet, but must have been a Köter, father of the Köter Renke HOBBIEGERDES (around 1580-around 1670) and thus founder of the side line „Hobbiegerdes“. He had at least one son Renke HOBBIEGERDES (around 1580-around 1670).

3. Renke HOBBIEGERDES, *about 1580 Zetel, +about 1670, Köter.
According to „Ältestes Ordinärgefälle“ (first land title record) of about 1650 he was a Köter in field 10 (Zetel-East), parcels 187 and 188. In the „Mannzahlregister“ (defence recruitment list) of 1630 and 1635 he was assigned to the 2nd Corporalschaft. He had at least two sons: Johan HOBBIEGERDES (around 1620-around 1653) was the farm heir. Wilcke HOBBIE GERDES (before 1630) received 5 Jück land from the 1659 at his own expense reclaimed dikes, the on 29.03.1667 fixed Weinkaufgeld (contract fee) was 5 RTh per Jück land, .further details about him are not known yet

4. Johan HOBBIEGERDES, *around 1620 Zetel, +after 1665, Köter.
He is mentioned for the first time as „Johann Hobie Gerts“ in the „Weinkauf“ of 1653 (list of legal contract fees) because of the embankment in 1596. He is also listed in the  „Mannzahlregister“ (defene recruitment registers) of 1657 and 1658 as Dragoner „Johan Hobbygerdes“, and still in the enrollment of 1665. He had at least two sons: Rencke HOBJE-GERDES (about 1649-1729) as court heir, see 5.a), and Frerich HOBBIEGERDES (about 1650- about 1705), see 5.b).

5. a) Rencke HOBJE-GERDES, *about 1649 Zetel, +12.09.1729 ibid., Köter and church messenger.
He married around 1685 Gebcke or Gesche NN (1665-1736) and had with her four children who all married. Rencke HOBBIE-GERDES (1689-1770) was the farm heir, see 6.a). Frerck HOBBIE-GERDES (about 1692-1723) was a weaver, married An Catrin Castens (*about 1695) in 1716, and had three children with her, two of whom died as children and the whereabouts of Casten HOBBIE-GERDES (*1716) are unknown. Grete HOBBIE-GERDES (1695-1771) married in 1724 in Zetel Hermann Schrör Eylers (1687-1727) from Kronshausen. Harm HOBJE-GERDES (1708-1768) married in 1736 in Zetel Thalke Gerdes (1707-1762) and had with her two sons, one of whom died as a toddler and the whereabouts of Renke HOBJE-GERDES (*1736) is not known.

5. b) Frerich HOBBIEGERDES, *around 1650 Zetel, +around 1705, Brinksitzer and postman.
He was assigned to the 3rd Corporalschaft in 1665, and he owned in 1681 and 1693 the Brinksitzerei in Roßfelde, field 10 (Zetel-East), parcels 532/143, 533/144 and 352/172. He had at least one son Dirk HOBJE-GERDES (about 1670-1723), see 6.b).

6. a) Rencke HOBBIE-GERDES also HOBJE-GERDES, *1689 Zetel, +08.01.1770 ibid.
He married on 15.09.1717 in Oldenburg Cathrina Sophia Stöver (1689-1755) from Ohmstede and had with her 5 children born in Zetel, of which at least two reached adulthood and married. The whereabouts of the daughter Gebke StÖVER named HOBBIE-GERDES (*1716) in premarital marriage, and of the eldest son Johann Wilhelm Anthon HOBBIE-GERDES (*1719) are not yet known. On Gerhard HOBJE-GERDES (1722-1767) see 7.). Margrete Catharine HOBJE-GERDES (*1726) married 1757 in Atens Eilerd Folckers (*1735) from Altendorf near Ovelgönne.

6. b) Dirk HOBJE-GERDES, *at 1670 Zetel, +before 25.08.1723, Brinksitzer.
He had at least two sons: Frerich HOBJE-GERDES (*about 1695) married Gesche NN (*about 1700) around 1725 and had with her at least one son Gerd HOBJE-GERDES (*07.12.1727 Zetel), whose whereabouts are not known yet. Johann DIRCKS (*about 1699) married on 25.08.1723 in Zetel Talke Focken (*1695) from Jaderberg. They had 10 children, four of whom died as children. The whereabouts of the other children is not yet known.

7.    Gerhard HOBJE-GERDES, *19.04.1722 Zetel, +19.02.1767 Atenser Sande.
He later wrote to Gerd Hobbie-Gerdes, married in November 1754 in Hude Anne Margarete Wachtendorf (1727-1805) from Maibusch and had two children with her: Catharine Sophie GERDES (1755-1807) married in 1772 in Abbehausen Johann Dierk Köhring (* around 1745) from „der Hörne“ (Blexen). Johann Friedrich HOBBIE-GERDES (1761-1764) died in infancy.

Thus the main line „HOBBIEGERDES“ is presumably extinct.

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Further information, also on children who are not listed here and have remained single, can be given on request, if known, see Contact.