Dr. Dierk Hobbie
Fliederweg 7
89551 Königsbronn
Email: info@hobbie.de
Prehistory and status of this family research
As a descendant of the HOBBIE families from Zetel in the district of Friesland, I was able to deepen my interest in family research after my retirement in May 2003. My first contact with this topic had already been through my father and a cousin. Basis of the first work was a small red booklet with the title „Stammfolge der Familie Hobbie (Börding) aus Zetel in Oldenburg“.
This was a special print from the 59th volume of the German Gender Book (Genealogisches Handbuch Bürgerlicher Familien), also known as the 3rd Ostfriesischer Sonderband, published in 1928 by C. A. Starke, Görlitz. The editor of this volume was Dr. med. Heinrich Friedrich Hajen, who was born as a descendant of this family in 1898. Until the end of 2005 I was able to update the information of this red pedigree book up to the present time, and to correct some of its details. Since then it is continued regularly and given to interested family members under the title „Die Nachfahren der Familie Hobbie aus Zetel – Aktualisierung der Stammfolge“ (The descendants of the Hobbie family from Zetel – update of the genealogical sequence) as a spiral-bound printout against reimbursement of printing and shipping costs.
When updating the only genealogical sequence of this or a similar name mentioned in the German Gender Book, it became apparent that the current German telephone directory contains far more entries with a name HOBBIE, HOBBY, HOBBJE, HOBBING and also name combinations such as HOBBIEBRUNKEN, HOBBIEJANSSEN, HOBBIESIEFKEN and HOBBENSIEFKEN. By contacts with some of these persons and with other family researchers it became fast clear that there must be several further family trees. Subsequently, a comprehensive inventory of all 12 family lines of this name, rooted in Germany, was made, above all through research in archives. The current work status is described in this website.
All personal data was managed with the genealogy programme „Family Tree Maker 2005“ (also in the 2010 & 2017 versions) until 2022. Since then I have been using the programme „TNG“ (The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding) by Darrin Lythgoe. This programme is also used by the members and guests of the OGF (Oldenburgische Gesellschaft für Familienforschung e. V.) for the use of the various association databases. If required, I create large-format family trees with the versatile „Stammbaumdrucker 8 Premium“ by Ekkehart H. v. Renesse. Data can be exchanged via the Gedcom data format.
The family files contain far more personal data and also more persons than can and may be reproduced on this website. Subject to the protection regulations under the Archive Act, information can be provided here if interested.
Dierk Hobbie, February 2019 (updated July 2024)